
playing with clojure polylith repo

Primary LanguageClojure

The Polylith documentation can be found here:

You can also get in touch with the Polylith Team on Slack.


Table of Contents



  • docker
  • poly - brew install polyfy/polylith/poly
  • psql - brew install postgresql
  • clj-kondo - brew install borkdude/brew/clj-kondo
  • zprint - brew install --cask zprint

Getting things working with your IDE

  • see https://cljdoc.org/d/polylith/clj-poly/0.2.19/doc/development
  • some notes for Cursive
    • select the Aliases dev, test
    • Go to Settings→Languages & Frameworks→Clojure→Project Specific Options and check "Resolve over whole project" to make things resolve correctly across different subprojects with our root deps.edn setup

Running locally

  • run bin/docker-up.sh
  • start a clojure nrepl with opts -A:dev:test
  • the dev system will start on its own via loading components/development/user.clj
  • go to http://localhost:9000/api-docs/ to see endpoints and send requests from your browser

Linting and formatting

You can create a pre commit hook to lint and format files before they are committed

  • touch .git/hooks/pre-commit
  • add contents
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if ! (./bin/zprint-diff.sh)
  exit 1
exit $?
  • chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit

You can force a commit through if you want with the --no-verify flag

Polylith commands


  • poly libs - see project dependencies
  • poly libs :outdated - see outdated dependencies
  • poly libs :update - update dependencies

Creating a component

building block that encapsulates a specific domain or part of the system

  • poly shell
  • create component name:user
  • add component to <root>/deps.edn
{:aliases  {:dev {:extra-paths ["development/src"]
                  ;; to extra dev deps
                  :extra-deps {poly/user {:local/root "components/user"}}}}
            ;; to extra test paths
            :test {:extra-paths ["components/user/test"]}} 
  • info

creating a base

building block that exposes a public API to the outside world, e.g., external systems and users

  • poly shell
  • create base name:web
  • add base to <root>/deps.edn
:aliases  {:dev {:extra-paths ["development/src"]
                  ;; to extra dev deps
                  :extra-deps {poly/web {:local/root "bases/cli"}}}
            ;; to extra test paths
            :test {:extra-paths ["bases/cli/test"]}}

creating a project

used to build a deployable artifact

  • poly shell
  • create project name:backend
  • add project to <root>/workspace.edn
{:projects {"backend" {:alias "backend"}}}
  • add components and bases to <root>/projects/backend/deps.edn
{:deps {poly/user {:local/root "../../components/user"} 
        poly/web  {:local/root "../../bases/cli"}}}