
A create-react-native-app to visit github profiles, repositories and take notes about each profile updated to use hooks

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Githib Notetaker - create-react-native-app with React Hooks


This app is an updated version of the one developed through the great course React Native Fundamentals by Tyler McGinnis. It's a React Native app mostly ment to work on iOS which uses the github API to access users' profile, repositories and which allows you to take notes about the different profiles.

Full credit to Tyler McGinnis

Differences are:

  • Updated the parts using deprecated react-native components or deprecated syntax
  • Using more ES6 syntax in order to refactor the code
  • Updated to use react-hooks, react-navigation and expo


Make sure you have Node v6 or later installed. No Xcode or Android Studio installation is required.

$ npm install -g expo-cli
$ npm start

The npm start command starts the Expo CLI server. You can now run the project on your phone by using the Expo app.