Going to start with restempto theme
new site for cfa: www.crossfitadaptation.com
- site has two audiences: existing and prospective members
- existing members: want to know who the coaches are, what the schedule is, and what the workout of the day is
- prospective members: want to find out what crossfit is and need to be convinced that this gym is for them, as opposed ot the competition
- to look professional, modern, corporate, clean, cutting-edge and expensive
- to fit in a very low budget, but look like site designs that cost 10 to 20x more (the top 5% of crossfit gyms)
- to have high energy (implies clean lines and active content)
- to load quickly and efficiently (responsive across several devices)
- to be very secure (sufficently secure against a targeted attack)
- new member
- How much does it cost?
- When do you offer classes?
- Where are you?
- What is special/unique about this gym compared to others in the area?
- What benefits/programs do you offer?
- existing member
- When are the classes?
- What is the workout of the day?
- both
- who are the coaches, what are their backgrounds?
- where can I find pictures taken at the gym?
Competition is other CF gyms and to a much lesser degree existing gyms (i.e. Gold's gym) and other bootcamp programs. CrossFit corporate marketing and the program itself will handle the competion with alternatives, this site needs to convince a browser to choose CFA over these alternatives:
- Trident Crossfit
- Patriot Crossfit
- Potomac Crossfit
- CrossFit Oldtown
- CrossFit South Arlington
- Ballston CrossFit
- CrossFit Rosslyn
- well educated north-virginians with north of $200 a month to spend on fitness
- target area: Arlington, Alexandria, VA
- people who are very technically astute and who find it important to be part of the next trend (like crossfit)
- target market is generally younger and will browse heavily on mobile devices, but also at work with a lot of government workers (implies ie8)
- keep things the same as they currently are
- look at other sites, come up with a list we feel is top-class
- look at themes, but keep code clean
- http://centralathlete.com/ (only site we like)
- http://www.windycitycrossfit.com/windycitycrossfit/
- http://crossfitnyc.com/
- http://www.dogtowncrossfit.com/
- http://www.crossfitlodo.com/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBpGsEwGbJw
- http://levelonesites.com/best-5-crossfit-websites-in-the-us/ (good descriptions here)
designer feedback: all sites too busy, except centralathlete
- CMS: Wordpress
- Front-end: HTML5, +css3, js
- Responsive
- Server: Apache on custom server (linode)
- Large server storage space allocated due to desire for posting of daily pics
- Daily Backups to Dropbox
- Backend/Plugins will be updated on a weekly basis
- Planned plugins:
- Akismet
- BackWPup
- Contact Form 7
- Regenerate Thumbnails
- TubePress
- Viper's Video Quicktags
- WordPress Importer
- WP-Mail-SMTP
- WP Super Cache
- WPtouch Mobile Plugin