
University of Washington | Bothell - CSS 422 Hardware and Computer Organization - Dr. Yang Peng

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University of Washington | Bothell - Winter 2016
Course:  CSS 422 - Hardware and Computer Organization
Instructor:  Dr. Yang Peng

Course Description:

An introduction to the architecture, operation, and organization of a modern
computing machine. Topics covered include basic logic operations,
state-machines, register models, memory organization, peripherals,
and system issues. Assembly language taught in order to understand the
instruction set architecture and memory model of the computer.

This project is an inverse assembler that converts a memory image of
instructions and data back to 68000 assembly language and outputs the
disassembled code to the console. The program is designed to operate between
memory addresses $1000 and $3000. Optional test code can also be loaded into
memory outside of these address ranges.

The disassembler is designed to run on the Sim68K I/O console provided with the
EASy68K Editor/Assembler. If default fonts and console window sizes are
maintained, the disassembler will print one page of output at a time.

Instructions are disassembled line-by-line using the following format:

	Memory Location Opcode Operand(s)

If the disassembler encounters instructions that are not supported, the DATA
label will be supplied to the console in the format:

	Memory Location DATA $WXYZ

The output $WXYZ is the hexadecimal number that could not be decoded.