
Materials for evaluating TBERF oyster restoration success

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Materials for evaluating TBERF oyster restoration success. Raw data are in data/raw and was processed in R/dat_proc.R. All data can be joined by the common key id.

Site metadata

##           id           site  type inst_year inst_seas
## 1 2D_bg_18sp      2D Island  Bags      2018    Spring
## 2 2D_bg_16fa      2D Island  Bags      2016      Fall
## 3 FI_bg_16fa Fantasy Island  Bags      2016      Fall
## 4 FI_bg_08fa Fantasy Island  Bags      2008      Fall
## 5 FI_dm_16fa Fantasy Island Domes      2016      Fall
## 6 FI_sh_05fa Fantasy Island Shell      2005      Fall
## Classes 'tbl_df', 'tbl' and 'data.frame':    18 obs. of  5 variables:
##  $ id       : chr  "2D_bg_18sp" "2D_bg_16fa" "FI_bg_16fa" "FI_bg_08fa" ...
##  $ site     : chr  "2D Island" "2D Island" "Fantasy Island" "Fantasy Island" ...
##  $ type     : chr  "Bags" "Bags" "Bags" "Bags" ...
##  $ inst_year: num  2018 2016 2016 2008 2016 ...
##  $ inst_seas: chr  "Spring" "Fall" "Fall" "Fall" ...

Water quality data

##           id       date do_perc do_mgl sal_psu temp_c    ph
## 1 2D_bg_16fa 2019-11-18  109.05  8.290  25.415  21.65 7.820
## 2 2D_bg_18sp 2019-04-02   76.45  5.870  23.235  21.70 7.815
## 3 2D_bg_18sp 2019-11-27   93.10  7.330  24.970  19.80 7.865
## 4 FI_bg_08fa 2019-10-01  101.95  6.985  22.680  28.25 8.040
## 5 FI_bg_16fa 2019-03-06   95.05  7.525  21.275  20.60 8.095
## 6 FI_dm_16fa 2019-03-06   95.05  7.525  21.275  20.60 8.095
## Classes 'tbl_df', 'tbl' and 'data.frame':    22 obs. of  7 variables:
##  $ id     : chr  "2D_bg_16fa" "2D_bg_18sp" "2D_bg_18sp" "FI_bg_08fa" ...
##  $ date   : Date, format: "2019-11-18" "2019-04-02" ...
##  $ do_perc: num  109 76.4 93.1 102 95 ...
##  $ do_mgl : num  8.29 5.87 7.33 6.98 7.53 ...
##  $ sal_psu: num  25.4 23.2 25 22.7 21.3 ...
##  $ temp_c : num  21.6 21.7 19.8 28.2 20.6 ...
##  $ ph     : num  7.82 7.81 7.87 8.04 8.09 ...

Oyster data

##           id       date plot shell_total  live_per spat aveshell_mm maxshell_mm
## 1 2D_bg_16fa 2019-11-18    1          75 0.9066667    0      35.480          54
## 2 2D_bg_16fa 2019-11-18    2          99 0.9292929    0      38.000          66
## 3 2D_bg_16fa 2019-11-18    3          39 0.7435897    0      42.960          63
## 4 2D_bg_16fa 2019-11-18    4         181 0.8121547   20      49.920          72
## 5 2D_bg_16fa 2019-11-18    5          77 0.8311688    0      33.160          55
## 6 2D_bg_16fa 2019-11-18    6          23 0.6956522    0      37.375          72
##   aveshell_cnt
## 1           25
## 2           25
## 3           25
## 4           25
## 5           25
## 6           16
## Classes 'tbl_df', 'tbl' and 'data.frame':    196 obs. of  9 variables:
##  $ id          : chr  "2D_bg_16fa" "2D_bg_16fa" "2D_bg_16fa" "2D_bg_16fa" ...
##  $ date        : Date, format: "2019-11-18" "2019-11-18" ...
##  $ plot        : num  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
##  $ shell_total : num  75 99 39 181 77 23 35 40 58 189 ...
##  $ live_per    : num  0.907 0.929 0.744 0.812 0.831 ...
##  $ spat        : num  0 0 0 20 0 0 0 1 0 NA ...
##  $ aveshell_mm : num  35.5 38 43 49.9 33.2 ...
##  $ maxshell_mm : num  54 66 63 72 55 72 78 77 99 68 ...
##  $ aveshell_cnt: int  25 25 25 25 25 16 25 25 25 25 ...