Chef cookbook to deploy a node-js app 👋

Chef cookbook to deploy a node-js app (linx SRE test)


Table of Contents

Chef SRE DigitalOcean

I use this repo for a challenge, it's a cookbook to deploy a node.js app.


  • Chef-server;
  • knife;
  • CentOS 7.6


This directory contains the chef-repo where cookbooks are stored and a simple script to register the node on chef-server.

  • Copy the to the server;

After the execution it's finished the server it's registered on Chef-server with nodejs installed.


We must copy the user and the validation key from the Chef-server to our workstation.

mkdir -p /Users/tadeu/.chef 
touch knife.rb

Your's knife.rb file must look like this:

node_name 'tadeu'
client_key '/Users/tadeu/.chef/tadeu.pem'
chef_server_url 'https://centos-s-2vcpu-4gb-nyc1-01/organizations/lnx_teste'
validation_key '/Users/tadeu/.chef/lnx_teste.pem'
cookbook_path '/Users/tadeu/lnx_sre/chef-repo/cookbooks/'
validation_client_name 'lnx_teste'
log_level :info
log_location STDOUT
node_name 'tadeu'
syntax_check_cache_path '/root/.chef/syntax_check_cache'
knife ssl fetch
knife ssl check
  • To check:
knife client list 
  • Upload cookbooks:
knife cookbook upload nodejs --force
knife cookbook upload bootstrap_lnx
  • Add the bootstrap_lnx recipe:
knife node run_list add <node> "recipe[bootstrap_lnx]"
  • Chef-client on node

For more information about Chef-server and Knife:


👤 Tadeu Bernacchi

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