
Wisdom of the crowd web framework rank

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Web Framework Rank

Wisdom of the crowd web framework rank.

Rank and Score

name rank score pypistats downloads last month pypi used as main dependency stackoverflow questions github stars repo unique committers repo changed lines last month repo unique committers last month repo last commit
Django 1 92 20257801 7201 313079 79395 3133 3888 34 2024-09-26
AIOHTTP 2 91 180419256 7024 1721 15022 771 15609 17 2024-09-28
FastAPI 3 91 72465994 3320 7291 76087 699 13850 19 2024-09-26
Flask 4 80 104564217 5804 55929 67689 852 16 1 2024-09-01
Tornado 5 79 45838176 1112 3762 21690 460 90 1 2024-09-23
Dash 6 79 3396870 505 4640 21240 203 483959 4 2024-09-20
Starlette 7 77 61053179 724 336 10099 293 2811 7 2024-09-25
Bottle 8 75 6038161 272 1488 8393 234 5176 4 2024-09-26
Twisted 9 75 7077774 439 3470 5564 328 896 11 2024-09-18
Werkzeug 10 72 143094238 1398 648 6634 506 32 2 2024-09-02
Falcon 11 71 660622 144 201 9508 220 10733 5 2024-09-28
Litestar 12 64 358258 26 6 5396 221 5123 12 2024-09-23
fasthtml 13 61 37925 13 7 5161 64 39565 15 2024-09-28
Sanic 14 57 1106102 374 212 18021 381 0 0 2024-06-30
CherryPy 15 56 933675 124 1371 1834 152 2 1 2024-08-31
Pyramid 16 55 2369918 241 2216 3942 367 0 0 2024-06-10
Robyn 17 52 52126 1 0 4266 72 1460 4 2024-09-28
Zope 18 52 873015 47 738 353 177 4 1 2024-09-02
web2py 19 48 230 0 2134 2113 276 7 1 2024-09-09
Rio 20 47 7047 0 0 1295 14 19418 4 2024-09-28
py4web 21 45 3634 5 0 247 75 203 3 2024-09-27
web.py 22 45 222355 18 887 5885 97 0 0 2024-04-30
Quart 23 44 941420 140 194 2916 105 0 0 2024-05-19
hug 24 41 151401 16 33 6857 125 0 0 2023-06-30
TurboGears 25 28 2358 0 152 804 38 0 0 2024-03-25
Pylons 26 28 50364 0 829 231 36 0 0 2018-01-12
Emmett 27 28 1448 4 0 1050 26 0 0 2024-07-24
Grok 28 27 1999 0 488 27 45 0 0 2024-05-08
Morepath 29 26 1929 21 0 395 28 0 0 2022-05-29
Vibora 30 24 230 1 0 5668 27 0 0 2019-02-11
CubicWeb 31 21 14570 25 0 0 0 0 0
Quixote 32 19 268 2 0 82 6 0 0 2024-03-01
Pycnic 33 19 1097 1 0 159 11 0 0 2022-04-05
Growler 34 17 197 0 0 688 6 0 0 2020-03-08
Giotto 35 14 590 0 0 59 3 0 0 2013-10-07

Score Calculation Algorithm

Score calculated as next way:

  • calculate field score for framework for each field
    • for each field get framework value
    • order values from smallest to heights
    • field score for framework is index in ordered list starting from 1 divided to count of frameworks
  • sum filed score of each field and divide to number of fields
  • increase score to 100 to get result form 0 to 100

Fields Used for Score Calculation

Next fields used to calculate score and rank it:

  • last month package downloads from pypi
  • projects on pypi with framework as main dependency
  • stackoverflow questions for appropriate framework tag
  • github stars
  • unique committers
  • lines updated last month
  • unique committers last month
  • last update in master (weeks from last update)

All Data Fields

data.csv contains wide range of metrics about frameworks collected weekly. There are next fields presented in it:

  • name
  • rank
  • score
  • pypistats_downloads_last_month
  • pypi_project_mentions
  • pypi_used_as_main_dependency
  • pypi_used_as_main_dependency_with_extra
  • pypi_used_as_deep_dependency
  • pypi_used_as_deep_dependency_with_extra
  • pypi_releases
  • pypi_last_release_at
  • stackoverflow_questions
  • github_stars
  • github_forks
  • github_watches
  • github_size
  • github_created_at
  • github_updated_at
  • repo_lines
  • repo_size
  • repo_commits
  • repo_committers
  • repo_changed_lines_last_month
  • repo_commits_last_month
  • repo_committers_last_month
  • repo_first_commit_at
  • repo_last_commit_at
  • collected_at