
The simple, modern, lightweight JSON Viewer for the browser

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The simple, lightweight JSON viewer for the browser.


  • fuzzy search (with regex support)
  • folding
  • keyboard-only friendly
  • highlighting
  • lightweight
  • hackable (src/index.js)
  • browser support okay (not that I care about IE users any more)
    • Unprefixed flexbox is probably the limiting factor



<script src="dist/simple-json-viewer.js"></script>

<div id="json-viewer-container"></div>

  var container = document.querySelector('#json-viewer-container');

  // var json = '{"jsonArgCanBeJsonString": true}';
  var json = { jsonArgCanBeJsonObject: true };

  var options = {
    fontFamily: '"Fira Mono", monospace',
    colors: ['gray', '#090', '#c00', 'purple', '#00c', '#ccc', '#333', 'yellow', 'rgb(240,240,240)']

  var viewer = createJSONViewer(container, json, options);

  viewer.changeJSON({ youCanAlsoChangeTheJSON: 'after the viewer is created' });


  • JSONViewer.changeJSON(json<String|Object>, path<Array> {optional, default: []})
    var viewer = createJSONViewer(el, json, opts);
    setTimeout(function () {
      // without path, replaces all of the json
      viewer.changeJSON({ "array": [ { "i-have-been-modified": false } ] });
    }, 1000);
    setTimeout(function () {
      // with path, replaces specific part of the json
      viewer.changeJSON(true, ["array", 0, "i-have-been-modified"]);
    }, 2000);


  • fontFamily {default: 'monospace'}
    If you want to use a custom font (you'll have to load it yourself).
  • colors {default: ['#999', '#090', '#c00', '#c0c', '#00c', '#ccc', '#333', '#ff0', '#eee']}
    An array of 9 CSS colors as strings. To see what each one does, look here (numbers before vmax corresponds to the index, so color: 3vmax means color: #c0c with defaults)
  • onValueClick {default: none}
    onValueClick allows you to pass a handler when a value is clicked. It will be the closest ancestor that is either a key-value pair from an object, or an item from an array.
    var json = {
      "someArray": [
    var viewer = createJSONViewer(el, json, {
      onValueClick: function (valueOfClicked, pathToClicked, element) {
        console.log(valueOfClicked); // "clickMe"
        console.log(pathToClicked);  // ["someArray", 0]
        console.log(element);        // div.json-viewer-array-value


If you want to contribute, create a pull request :D

Also, it's a small library of a few hundred lines, so if it's missing something why not modify it.
