A library for computing electronic charges and charge transfer in electronic transition using Natural Transition Orbitals.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

This is an overview of the VALET software

VALET: Visual Analysis of Electronic Transitions

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A python library for analysis of Natural Transition Orbitals (NTO) of molecules and molecular complexes. It supports computing electronic charges and charge transfer during electronic transitions at atomic as well as at subgroup level. The methods implemented in this library are described in the following paper:

Masood, T.B., Thygesen, S., Linares, M., Abrikosov, A.I., Natarajan, V. and Hotz, I. (2021), Visual Analysis of Electronic Densities and Transitions in Molecules. Computer Graphics Forum, 40: 287-298. [https://doi.org/10.1111/cgf.14307]

    author = {Masood, T. Bin and Thygesen, S.S. and Linares, M. and Abrikosov, A. I. and Natarajan, V. and Hotz, I.},
    title = {Visual Analysis of Electronic Densities and Transitions in Molecules},
    journal = {Computer Graphics Forum},
    volume = {40},
    number = {3},
    pages = {287-298},
    doi = {https://doi.org/10.1111/cgf.14307},
    url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/cgf.14307},
    year = {2021}



Use the provided enviroment.yml file to create the conda environment as follows:

$ conda env create -f environment.yml

Activate the environment

$ conda activate valet-venv

You should see the prompt change accordingly. Then valet is ready to be used within the environment.

(valet-venv) $ valet -d ./data/

Finally, you can deactivate and exit as follows:

(valet-venv) $ conda deactivate

Build and install with virtualenv

The conda approach described earlier uses a pre-built conda package for valet uploaded on anaconda.org. However, you can also build yourself directly from the sources provided here. I demonstrate the procedure for virtualenv.

First check if you have virtualenv installed using the command virtualenv --version. It should show the currently installed version. Otherwise you have to install virtualenv according to your platform requirements or use pip to install virtualenv locally using the following command. I recommend the latter option for installing virtualenv.

$ pip install virtualenv

If python3 and virtualenv are already installed on your system, then go ahead and create a virtual enviroment called valet-venv in the directory where you have downloaded this repo as follows:

$ virtualenv valet-venv

Activate the virtual environment using the command:

$ source ./valet-venv/bin/activate

You should see the prompt change accordingly. Then install valet package in the virtual environment along with its dependencies using the following command:

(valet-venv) $ python -m pip install -e .

The command above installs the package in the current directory which is valet in our case. Note that valet also needs vtk library if you are interested in generating the 3D output which can be loaded in VTK compatible software like Paraview. However, it is not installed by default. If you need the VTK file outputs, install vtk as follows:

(valet-venv) $ python -m pip install -e .[vis]

You are then ready to use valet package in your python scripts or through command line, for example as:

(valet-venv) $ valet -d ./data/

Finally, you can deactivate and exit the virtual environment as follows:

(valet-venv) $ deactivate

Using the package

The various ways of using this package are described in more detail below.

Use as a python package

After installation, the whole package can be imported in your python scripts using the command import valet. However, in most cases only from valet import transition_analysis_utils as tau would be enough as this conatins all the utility fuctions required for charge computation and creating transition diagrams. See test_valet.py for an example use case.

Using through Jupyter notebook

The package can also be imported in a Jupyter lab and notebook. See plot_transition_diagram.ipynb for an example use case.

If you are using conda, enviroment.yml already includes jupyterlab and ipympl packages, so you can just launch it as:

(valet-venv) $ jupyter-lab

If you are using virtualenv, you can change the installation option to automatically install Jupyter lab in your virtual environment as follows:

(valet-venv) $ python -m pip install -e .[jupyter]

Then launch jupyter lab:

(valet-venv) $ jupyter-lab

Command line execution

After installation, the library can also be executed from command line as follows:

python -m valet [-h] [-p] [-q] [-d] [-a] [-s] [-av] [-sv] [-t THREADS] input_dir

Or, simply as:

valet [-h] [-p] [-q] [-d] [-a] [-s] [-av] [-sv] [-t THREADS] input_dir

Positional arguments:

Argument Description
input_dir The directory containing the input cube files for transitions. The directory should a 'metadata.csv' file which contains 3 columns. The first specifies the name of the transition. The second and third columns specify hole and particle cube files respectively.

Optional arguments

Option Description
-h, --help Show help message and exit.
-p, --different_atom_pos If specified, Voronoi diagram will be computed for each cube file separately. By default it is assumed, the atomic positions remain the same for all the cubefiles and hence segmentation is computed only once for all the cubefiles.
-q, --use_quadratic_optimization Use quadratic programming based optimization approach to compute the charge trasfer between subgroups. By default a hueristic approach is used for this purpose.
-d, --output_transition_diagram Generate transition diagram and store all the diagrams in <input_dir>/results/transition_diagrams/ directory.
-a, --output_atomic_charges Save atomic charges for each transition as a csv file in the directory <input_dir>/results/atomic_charges/.
-s, --output_subgroup_charges If this option is set, subgroup charges and amount of charge transfer for each transition would be output in a directory named <input_dir>/results/subgroup_charges/.
-av, --output_atoms_vtk If this option is set, the atoms are saved as 3D model in VTK format. A file is generated for each transition which contains the data about the hole and particle charge, charge difference, subgroup, etc. These VTK files are saved in <input_dir>/results/vtk/atoms/ and can be loaded in VTK compatible software like Paraview.
-sv, --output_segmentation_vtk If specified, the computed Voronoi segmentation at atomic and subgroup level are saved as VTK files in the directory <input_dir>/results/vtk/segmentation/. These files can be loaded in VTK compatible software like Paraview.
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS Specify the number of parallel threads to be used in computing the Voronoi diagram. By default four threads are used.