
Swift with no pain

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

AnyDoor (任意门)#

Swift with no pain (让Swift不再蛋痛)


what's new? YouPaiYun(又拍云) support added to NSData extension

Swift is easy to use, but sometimes get some pain with it's strict type checking and optional type. How ever, we can extent origin types with extension, so i wrote some for String, NSData and a little wrapper for dictionary and array, make it easier to access items in dictionary or array

Http access depends on Rinku from https://github.com/RuiAAPeres/Rinku a very easy to use http lib.

Because need import cocoa lib to support hmac algorithm, you need to add Objective-C bridge header file in project with next content:

#import <CommonCrypto/CommonHMAC.h>

Extension for String

a String extension

###Operator for String###

let s = "a" * 5    // s = "aaaaa"

###Get substring by range:###

abcde"[1, 3]

it will return "bcd".

and you can use negative index:

"abcde"[1, -2]

will return "bc"

###Check one string contains another string###


will return true

###Get the index of a string be contained in another string###


will return 1 and if substring not in it, will return -1

###Get JSON object###


will return a wrapper object of the json Dictionary, we will talk about it later

###Check File exists###

if String is a absolute path of a file, you can check if it exists in file system


###Get file data###

if String is a absolute path of a file, you can get NSData like this:


###Delete file###

if String is a absolute path of a file, you can delete the file like this:


###Get File in QiNiu Yun(七牛云存储)###

if the string is a key of public resouces in QiNiu Yun, you can get the file like:

"qi niu key".adQiniuFileData("your qiniu domain").complete({(data, response, error)->Void in
    data.adSaveTo('file path')

###Get File in YouPai Yun(又拍云存储)###

if the string is a key of public resouces in QiNiu Yun, you can get the file like:

"you pai key".adYouPaiFileData("your YouPai domain").complete({(data, response, error)->Void in
    data.adSaveTo('file path')

###Transform to NSURL###

if the string is an url, you can get NSURL object like this:


###Transform to File NSURL###

if the string is a file url, you can get NSURL object like this:


###Get absolute path string in system folder of a filename###

if the string is a filename, you can get absolute path by this:


###Get NSURL in system folder of a filename###

if the string is a filename, you can get NSURL by this:


###Encrypt to urlsafe base64 string###


will return a string encrypt to urlsafe base64

###Decrypt an urlsafe base64 string to origin string###


will return the origin string of it

###HMAC hash a string with key###


will return the hex string of hash result


will return the NSData object for furthor process

###Get UIImage by name###


###Get resizableUIImage by name###

"background".adResizableImage(10, 20, 5, 3)

Extension of NSData

a NSData extension

###Get wrapped json object###

if you got this NSData object,maybe from http lib, or file,you can do like:


###Get UTF8 String###


###Get urlsafe base64 string###


##Transform to a Array###


will return Array

###Upload File data to QiNiu Yun(七牛云存储)###

data.adUploadToQiniu("avatar.jpg", accessKey:'access key', accessSecret:'access secret', scope:'scope name').complete({(data, response, error)->Void in
    let returnJson = data.adJsonObject
    let resourceKey:String = returnJson["key"].val(String)

###Upload File data to YouPai Yun(又拍云存储)###

data.adUploadToYouPaiYun("avatar.jpg",bucket:'bucket name', securyKey:'access secret', form:[:]).complete({(data, response, error)->Void in
    let returnJson = data.adJsonObject

more detail in : http://docs.upyun.com/api/form_api/

###Safe NSData to a file###

data.adSaveTo("file path")

###Get a file###

NSData.adReadFile("file path")

Array and Dictionary with no pain

when you access a Dictionary or Array, you mostly thing to do is to fight with optional type not the data it self. Something like :

let dict = ["aDict": ["aString": "string"], "anArray":[1,2,3,4]]
let str:String = (dict["aDict"]! as Dictionary<String,String>)["aString"]!
let intvalue:Int = (dict["anArray"] as Array<Int>)[2]

It's hard to write and hard to read.

So i wrapped the Array and Dictionary with class ADAccessor to make it easier.

extension adJsonObject in String and NSData will return the ADAccessor object wrapped the data(Array or Dictionary)

let dict = ADAccessor(["aDict": ["aString": "string"], "anArray":[1,2,3,4]])
let str = dict["aDict"]["aString"].val(String)
let intvalue:Int = dict["anArray"][2].val(Int)
let intvalue:Int = dict["anArray"][2].val(NSNumber)

than it's friendly to write and read