Ground Truth with a collection of documents with the following characteristics: font antiqua, marginal notes [both printed and hand written]
- Language:
- lat, deu
- Format:
- Page-XML
- Time:
- 1500-1600
- GT Type:
- data_structure_and_text
- License:
- CC0 1.0
- Transcription Guidelines:
- OCR-D Ground Truth Guidelines
- Project:
- Project-URL:
TextLine | Page | TxtRegion | NoiseRegion |
94 | 3 | 22 | 1 |
document | TxtRegion | ImgRegion | LineDrawRegion | GraphRegion | TabRegion | ChartRegion | SepRegion | MathRegion | ChemRegion | MusicRegion | AdRegion | NoiseRegion | UnkownRegion | CustomRegion | TextLine | Page |
alberti_pictura_1540 | 22 | 1 | 94 | 3 |