Star Fox in Esperanto
This project is a fan translation of Star Fox, a video game for the Super NES platform, to Esperanto. All copyrights to the original game belong to Nintendo and no infringement is intended.
You must own a physical copy of the Star Fox cartridge. Downloading the ROM of any game which you do not own is piracy.
- Star Fox - CRC32
The following software is used for development:
- your prefered hex editor
- bsnes-plus - debugger
- Monkey Moore - relative search utility
- Cartographer - script extraction utility
- Atlas - script insertion utility
- YY-Chr - graphic editor
- SnesGFX - graphic format converter
- snesbrr - sound utility
- Lunar Address - address converter
- Lunar Compress - graphic compression utilities
- Checksum Recalculator - checksum utility
- Lunar IPS - patching utility
- Star Fox 2 Font Tools - encode/decoding utilities
- Audacity - to edit sound files
Most of the above utilities run on Windows while the build script
scripts the final patching and invokes unix/Linux utilities. You can either use
Cygwin to run the build script on Windows or
Wine to run the utilities on non-Windows platforms.
For those fond of Docker, the included Dockerfile
creates a basic development environment based on Ubuntu 20.04.
Build Docker image
docker build -t sfox - < Dockerfile
Run docker container (assumes X11/XQuartz/Xming)
docker run -it -v "$PWD:/sfox" -w /sfox -e DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0 sfox bash
the first time the container is run
The following tasks are (more or less) complete.
- Modify font files for esperanto letters
- Translate and replace dialog, enemy, and credits text
- Start, settings, level select, and continue screens
- Replace sound files
The following tasks are still outstanding (in approximate order of importance). Contributors are welcome!
- Modify in-game HUD (enemy shields)
- Modify "Game Over" artwork
- Build/patching documentation
Here are some pretty screenshots: