We are building a software system for small and medium companies to run their business.
- Enterprise Grade Databases and longterm digital information storage (AWS-RDS AWS_S3)
- Web Platform to login with role-based access to startup grade apps (React-MaterialUI-AWS_S3-AWS_Cloudfront)
- Web Server to model and constantly improve how business is done (AWS_Lambda-NodeJS)
- Engineering Grade Developer Tools & Workflows for continuous limitless system development
- Plug&Play access to the full AWS Cloud Services Catalog
- #open-source: MIT License - an honest gift to the world
- #cloud-native: Invented in 2019 exclusivley for the AWS Cloud
- #serverless: No moving parts, no maintenance, no engineers required, enterprise grade resilence.
- #medium-code: Coding is required to create and change apps - we don't believe in click&build.
- #distributed: Deployed to 3 geografical locations with automatic switching if one fails. Think automatic backup & recovery
Demo Apps & Tutorials
No Configuration Required: You don't need to configure anything. A reasonably good configuration of both development and production builds is handled for you so you can focus on writing code.
No Lock-In: You can “eject” to a custom setup at any time. Run a single command, and all the configuration and build dependencies will be moved directly into your project, so you can pick up right where you left off.
- UI is automatically generated at compile time from UI JSON SCHEMA files.
- UI Automatic generation is Opt-in. Each route isolated. Developers get complete access and dependency managment.
- API is automatically generated at runtime from API JSON SCHEMA files.
- API automatic generation is Opt-in. Each route is isolated both in code and execution. Developers can overwrite queries or mutations simply by generating a file. Full server access.
- DB is automatically generated at compile time from KNEX Migration files.
- Full database control (RDS) and direct db connection.
- React
- Material UI Components
- Serverless Framework
- GraphQl
- Knex
- AWS Gateway API
- AWS Lambda
- AWS Step Functions
- AWS RDS ( MYSQL & Postgres )
- AWS Dynamo DB
- AWS Route 53
- AWS Code Pipeline
- AWS Cloudwatch
TBOS is based on the Github Sponsorship program. Companies using TBOS are expected to sponsor the project and the work of their developers.
The project is set up as a cooperative where profit from sponsorhips is divided by the active developers of the project.
There are various levels of participation TBA
Diversity is critical to proper governance, different open minded perspectives are the basis for sustainable progress and prosperity.
For our decision making proceses, we are always looking for people with next generation mindsets to join the project and help us evolve our democratic exercise.
We welcome developers and designers that have never worked on Open Source projects.
There are several layers of governance required in The Business Operating System.
- Tecnical Level Quality Assurance and Monitoring
- Roadmap Level auditing and
- Executive level planning.