
RLearn is a framework for Deep Reinforcement Learning made by myself. I implements diverse RL algorithms and try to make them learn on various environnements.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

A Deep Reinforcement Learning framework : RLearn

RLearn is a framework for Deep Reinforcement Learning made by myself. I implements diverse RL algorithms and try to make them learn on various environnements. It is based on the OpenAI Gym and pytorch.

Some RL environnements

Table of Contents


Advised : create a virtual env :

python -m venv venvRLEARN
source venvRLEARN/bin/activate # on linux
venvRLEARN\Scripts\activate    # on windows

Install the package from source:

git clone git@github.com:tboulet/Deep-RL-Framework.git
cd Deep-RL-Framework
pip install -e .


For training algorithms:

rlearn train



If wandb is activated, the results will be logged on wandb. For this you need to have a wandb account and to have specified your IDs in the settings.py file.


If tensorboard is activated, the results will be logged on tensorboard in the logs/tb/ directory. You can start tensorboard with the following command:

tensorboard --logdir=logs/tb/


If n_render is specified, the agent will render the environment at each n_render episode.


If the dump option is activated, the results will be logged in the logs/dumped_metrics folder (not available for now).


If the print option is activated, the results will be printed in the console.


Agent are objects that can be trained on an environnement. They can be found in the rlearn/algorithms folder. The following agents are available:

  • DQN
  • PPO
  • Random
  • DDPG
  • AC

Creating an agent :

For creating a new agent (example DQN), you must :

  • add a yaml config file in the right folder : rlearn/configs/algo/dqn.yaml that must contain :
    • the name of the agent class
    • the algorithm name
    • the algorithm parameters (gamma, lr, etc.)

rlearn/configs/algo/dqn.yaml :

create_algo_fn_string: rlearn.agents.dqn:DQN
algo_name: DQN

  gamma : 0.99
  sample_size : 256
  learning_rate : 0.001
  • create the agent class in the corresponding folder : rlearn/agents/dqn.py that must inherit from the Agent class and implement the Agent interface :
    • act : return the action to take given the observation
    • learn : do any learning in this phase
    • remember : store the experience in the memory
    • get_supported_action_space_types : return a list of supported action space types (discrete or continuous) that the algorithm can handle. For DQN, it is only discrete because DQN can't handle continuous action space.
    • additonally, the init method must call the Agent init method with the config file path as argument.

rlearn/agents/random.py :

from rlearn.agents import Agent
import gym

class RandomAgent(Agent):
    '''A random agent
    def get_supported_action_space_types(cls):
        return ["discrete", "continuous"]

    def __init__(self, env : gym.Env, config : dict):
        super().__init__(env = env, config = config)
        # do any initialization here
    def act(self, obs):
        action = self.env.action_space.sample()
        self.add_metric('act', any_name = 1234)
        return action
    def learn(self):
        # do any learning here
    def remember(self, *args):
        # store the experience in the memory here
  • Additionaly, if you want to log metrics, you can use the add_metric method of the Agent class at the end of your act, learn and remembler methods. This will save internally metrics that metric managers will be able to use to. Check rlearn/core/metrics.py for more details on how to log metrics.