
A benchmark on various K-means initialization method, in particular PCA-guided search, as explained in the paper "PCA-guided search for K-means" by Qin Xu et al.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

PCA-guided K-means

A reproductibility benchmark on various K-means initialization method, in particular PCA-guided search, as explained in the paper "PCA-guided search for K-means" by Qin Xu et al.

This is a student project made by Timothé Boulet, Thomas Lemercier and Théo Saulus.


Table of Contents


Clone the repository, create a venv and install the requirements :

git clone https://github.com/tboulet/PCA-guided-K-means.git
cd PCA-guided-K-means
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate # or venv/Scripts/activate on Windows
pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the benchmark

Launch a run

For running the K-Means initialization algorithm algo_name on the dataset dataset_name, run the following command:

python run.py algo=algo_name dataset=dataset_name

For example, to run the PCA Guided Search (whose tag is PCA_GuidedSearch) method for initializing K-means on the MNIST dataset (mnist), run the following command:

python run.py algo=PCA_GuidedSearch dataset=mnist

The list of available initialization algorithms and datasets are specified below.


We use Hydra as our configuration manager. You can modify the configuration of the benchmark by modifying the configs/config_default.yaml file, or you can override the configuration by specifying the corresponding field in the command line. For example :

python run.py n_iterations=50

By default, algorithm R1 will be used on the dataset iris.

Datasets used

The datasets used in the original paper are the following:

  • AT&T Face
  • Binary Alphabet
  • Coil20

We did reuse these datasets, and included the IRIS and the CIFAR10 datasets. We also included synthetic dataset created on the fly, in order to evaluate the robustness of the algorithms to various dataset parameters such as dimension, standard deviation, overlap, etc.

For downloading the datasets other than IRIS and the synthetic datasets, you will need to run the corresponding script in the load_datasets_scripts folder, as specified below.

Datasets available

Datasets currently available in the code are the following:

  • iris : The Iris dataset
  • att : The AT&T Face dataset. To load the dataset, you will need to first download it in Kaggle at https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/kasikrit/att-database-of-faces and place the s1-s40 folders in ./data/at&t_data and then run load_datasets_scripts\load_att.py (from the root directory of this repo). This will download the dataset and save it in data/ as an .npy file.
  • mnist : The MNIST dataset. To load the dataset, you will need to run load_datasets_scripts\load_mnist.py.
  • ba : The Binary Alphabet dataset. To load the dataset, you will need to run load_datasets_scripts\load_binary_alphabet.py.
  • coil : The Coil20 dataset. To load the dataset, you will need to run load_datasets_scripts\load_coil20.py.
  • cifar10 : The CIFAR10 dataset. To load the dataset, you will need to run load_datasets_scripts\load_cifar10.py.
  • synth : A synthetic dataset that will be created on the fly. You can control parameters of this dataset through the config file of the synth dataset.

Synthetic datasets configurations used in our paper

Concerning the synthetic datasets, we also included our hand-crafted configurations that we used in our paper. Those synthetic datasets are the following:

  • gauss1 (10 clusters) and gauss2 (1000 clusters) : gaussian clusters.
  • ellipsoidal : ellipsoidal clusters in high dimension.
  • laplace : heavy-tailed Laplacian clusters.
  • uniform : short-tailed uniform clusters.
  • nested : nested clusters (some clusters are generated inside other clusters).
  • bridging : a tricky bridg- ing dataset, where two distinct clusters are connected by a linear sequences of points.

Visualize the datasets

You can visualize the datasets by running the following command:

python visualize_datasets.py dataset=dataset_name

This will plot the dataset in a 2D space, using the TSNE (default), PCA or LDA dimensionality reduction methods. The config of this visualization can be found in configs/visualization_config.yaml.

Adding a new dataset

For adding a new dataset, you need to :

  • code a class that implements the datasets.base_dataset.BaseDataset interface, i.e. that implements the get_x_data() and get_y_data() methods, which returns numpy.ndarray objects of shape (n_samples, n_features) and (n_samples,) respectively.
  • add the dataset in the datasets/__init__.py file, in the algo_name_to_AlgoClass dictionary, with the key being the name of the dataset, and the value being the class you just coded.
  • add its config file in configs/datasets/<dataset_name>.yaml, specifying the field name, n_classes and config.

Algorithms implemented

The K-means initialization methods implemented are the following:

  • R1 : Random (R1 version), we partition randomly the dataset into k clusters, and take the centroids of these clusters as the initial centroids.
  • R2 : Random (R2 version), we sample k points uniformly at random from the dataset, they are the initial centroids.
  • KMeansPP : K-means++ algorithm. The first centroid is chosen randomly, and subsequent centroids are selected with a probability proportional to the square of the shortest distance from a data point to the closest centroid.
  • PCA_GuidedSearch : PCA-guided search, as described in the paper "PCA-guided search for K-means" by Qin Xu et al. The algorithm is the following:
    • We first compute the PCA of the dataset, and project the dataset on the first k principal components.
    • We then run the K-means++ algorithm on the projected dataset.
    • We obtain our clusters according to our projected dataset. We finally apply the K-means algorithm on the original dataset, with the centroids obtained from those clusters as initial centroids.
  • HAC : Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering. The HAC algorithm is applied on the dataset : employing a "bottom- up" approach, begins with numerous small clusters and iteratively merges the closest clusters until a single cluster is formed. The centroids of the k clusters obtained are taken as the initial centroids of an additional K-means algorithm.
  • KKZ : The KKZ algorithm initiates by selecting the first centroid with the maximum norm. Successive centroids are chosen based on the maxi- mal distance from previously selected centroids to candidate points, iteratively repeating this process until K centroids are identified


We used several clustering metrics to evaluate the quality of the initialization. The explanations of those metrics and their purposes can be found in our paper.

The metrics used to measure the quality of the initialization are the following:

  • distortion : The distortion of the clustering, i.e. the sum of the squared distances between each point and its centroid. The best distortion through the iterations is also logged as the best_distortion tag.
  • silhouette : The silhouette score of the clustering. It measures how similar each point is to its own cluster compared to other clusters.
  • davies_bouldin : The Davies-Bouldin index. It measures the average similarity between each cluster and its most similar one.
  • calinski_harabasz : The Calinski-Harabasz index. It is the ratio of the sum of between-clusters dispersion and the sum of within-cluster dispersion for all clusters.
  • number_of_iterations_for_convergence : The number of iterations needed for the K-Means algorithm to converge. Convergence is reached when the centroids do not change anymore.

Visualize the results


If you specify the do_wandb flag to True in the config file, the results will be logged in WandB.

You can find the results of our benchmark at https://wandb.ai/projet13/K-means%20initialization%20Benchmark. We advise you to group the runs by the dataset_name tag (to be able to only display the runs of a specific dataset), and then by the algo_name tag (to group runs by algorithm).


If you specify the do_tensorboard flag to True in the config file, the results will also be logged in Tensorboard. You can launch Tensorboard by running the following command:

tensorboard --logdir=tensorboard

Command line

If you specify the do_cli flag to True in the config file, the results will also be logged in the command line.

CSV files

The metric tags that are listed in the to_log_in_csv field in the config will be logged as CSV files in logs/<run name>/metrics.csv. You can then use those CSV files to plot the results in your favorite plotting software.