
This project aims to showcase a good and clean structure for web-based projects. Currently it uses the following tools:

  • npm to install base-tools and run tests
  • gulp to build the sources and produce the development / distribution artifacts
  • bower to handle web dependencies such as bootstrap, angular or jquery.

How to initialise the project?

After after a clone, simple do:

~# cd gui-structure-example
~# npm install

This will install all the tools along with the dependencies needed.

How to build the project?

To build the non-minified version:

~# gulp build

To build the minified (dist) version:

~# gulp build --production

All generated files are stored within the /dist folder.

How to serve built project

You can launch a small webserver that will serve you built project by using the command:

~# gulp build --serve

As the CSS and JS get concatenated (see next section) and minified (for the dist version), there is a gulp flag parameter that will setup watch tasks for any changes within the source files and automatically launches the right process(es). To use it, simple append --watch to the build command:

~# gulp build [--other-flags] --watch

How the CSS gets compiled?

This project uses less as a CSS pre-processor. Gulp grab the /src/main/app/less/public.less file and compiles the CSS based on that into /dist/css/public(.min).css. If you want to customise what goes into the generated CSS, please read the instructions within the less file.

How the JS gets compiled?

By default, this project will grab all *.js files within the folders /src/main/app/js and /bower_components/bootstrap/js, and process them into /dist/js/public(.min).js. You can customise this list by modifying the variable jsFilesList within gulpfile.js.