
Java Engineer Test Task - A simple search engine

Primary LanguageJava

Search Engine

How to run the application:

  • clone the repository
  • go to the project directory
  • run maven command: mvn clean install spring-boot:run -pl search-mvc-app
  • open application in browser

Please note that you should have installed Maven

About the project:

It is a multi-module maven project that consists of 4 modules:

  • document-service - contains a document related business logic
  • document-persistence - an in-memory implementation of a document persistence
  • full-text-searcg-engine - an in-memory implementation of an index-based full text search engine
  • seach-mvc-app - a Spring Boot application that wires up all modules and provides Thymeleaf based UI

Full text search algorithm:

A search is based on indexed data. Indexes are computed when new document is added and are sored in a HashSet. When a search request comes, an indexes of a search query are computed and then compared to the indexes of existing documents. If the document indexes contains all indexes of a search query than document key is returned.

Indexes are computed using the following simplified algorithm:

  1. Split the document into words by removing all punctuation (like , and :)
  2. Convert all words into lowercase
  3. Remove all stop words (like a, and the)