
Primary LanguageTypeScript

To start the app, from the root folder of the project execute:

npm run start-all-docker

This command builds and runs (using Docker containers):

  • A web server (ng-web-server folder), hosting an Angular app (angular-client folder)
  • An authentication server (oauth2-server folder)
  • A mongodb database
  • A Vault service (vault folder)

After running the project, in order to go through a login flow:

  1. Browse to http://localhost:8080
  2. Enter username 'toto', password 'wrongpass' - this results in an error.
  3. Enter username 'toto', password 'toto' - this should log you in the home page.

The authentication happens when the client sends the following message to the auth server:

 const message = `${JSON.stringify({
                username: req.body.username,
                password: req.body.password

encrypted using the same private key as the one ng-web-server/key, retreived from the Vault service. The Auth service is decrypting this message using the public key, and issues a token.