A series of scripts to generate thematic bubble lines and network files using metadata retrieved from the New York Times archive. Use a text query and explore how that query relates to the indexing of the NY Times staff.
For further explanation on what this does, go here: http://thepoliticsofsystems.net/?p=637
Get a New York Times search API key here: http://developer.nytimes.com/apps/mykeys
Put all scripts into a folder and set write permissions for everybody
Modify conf.php with your query and your API key
Run grab.php and wait - when finished,
a) to generate the bubble lines:
Run analyze.php (possibly modify value for $minyears) and wait
Modify the .R scripts to use the .csv file you just generated (possibly modify year cutoff)
Run .R scripts
b) to generate a network file (gexf format)
- Run network.php and wait