Local start up

Make sure you have the following packages installed on your machine: docker, docker-compose, colima, just. If you do not have these packages installed, follow these steps:

  1. download and install docker
  2. install docker-compose (brew install docker-compose)
  3. install just (brew install just)
  4. download and install colima (brew install colima)

Steps to run app for the first time:

  1. Add .env file in the ./server directory with the following variables:
    • PORT is the port the server will run on (i.e. 8080).
    • DATABASE_URL is the url Prisma ORM uses to connect to the postgres database. It should follow this format postgres://${USERNAME}:${PASSWORD}@db:${DB_PORT}/resume_db
  2. Add .env file to the ./ui directory with the following variables:
    • REACT_APP_BASE_URL The value should look something like this: http://localhost:${BACKEND_PORT}/api/resumes
  3. Run just install-ui followed by just install-node.
  4. Once colima is installed, you can run just setup. This will start up colima with the correct memory allocations, build the ui, and backend images
  5. Next, run just up to start up the postgres, node, and react containers.
  6. Visit localhost:3000 and you are ready to make your first resume!