Latest stable version: 1.2.0
Tiny module to support binding/unbinding declarative diffHTML transition hooks.
npm install diffhtml-inline-transitions
diffHTML allows developers to globally define transitions that can react to changes in the DOM and optionally prevent renders until a returned Promise completes. This is ideal for animations and monitoring when things happen. You can read more on them on the diffHTML GitHub page.
Each element will fade out for a second before being removed from the page.
diff.addTransitionState('detached', el => $(el).fadeOut(1000).promise());
While it is very easy to set up global state handlers, it becomes complicated once you try to filter down to the eact element you want to match. You can envision the complications of many transitions:
document.addTransitionState('detached', el => {
if (el.matches('.shopping-cart li')) {
// Do one thing.
else if (/* imagine even more */) {
else {
// The default thing.
Since the handlers are global and expensive to run you typically want to only
register one at a time. This builds up the if/else logic. The best way to fix
this is to expose the state callbacks as an inline attribute => prop hook. So
basically you set the property attached
to a function and it registers it for
Internally it will only create a single transition hook and will batch and optimize your scoped placement. There are two notable API signature differences:
First, it adds the element you defined the transition on as the first argument to the transition callback. This way you can track the relationship between where the transition was mounted and any child elements that may trigger it.
Second, it sets the transition callback context (the
) to be the current element being affected, which makes it more useful.
Subscribe to attribute changes
const unsubscribe = inlineTransitions(diff);
Unsubscribe from attribute changes:
Apply to an element by passing the function to the associated state name:
import $ from 'jquery';
import * as diff from 'diffhtml';
import inlineTransitions from 'diffhtml-inline-transitions';
const { innerHTML, html } = diff;
// Enable the monitoring of attributes for changes.
// Use jQuery to return a promise and fade in the body and paragraph.
function fadeIn() {
return $(this).fadeOut(0).fadeIn(1000).promise();
innerHTML(document.body, html`<body attached=${fadeIn}>
<p>Watch me fade in slowly!</p>
Copyright © 2016 Tim Branyen (@tbranyen) Licensed under the MIT license.