
LiveReload during webpack --watch

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


Build Status

LiveReload when running webpack --watch


Install the package

npm install --save-dev webpack-livereload-plugin

Add the plugin to your webpack config

// webpack.config.js

var LiveReloadPlugin = require('webpack-livereload-plugin');

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    new LiveReloadPlugin(options)

Add a script tag to your page pointed at the livereload server

<script src="http://localhost:35729/livereload.js"></script>


  • protocol - (Default: http) Protocol for livereload <script> src attribute value
  • port - (Default: 35729) The desired port for the livereload server
  • hostname - (Default: localhost) The desired hostname for the appended <script> (if present) to point to
  • appendScriptTag - (Default: false) Append livereload <script> automatically to <head>.
  • ignore - (Default: null) RegExp of files to ignore. Null value means ignore nothing.


Yes, there's already webpack-dev-server that handles live reloading and more complex scenarios. This project aims to solve the case where you want assets served by your app server, but still want reloads triggered from webpack's build pipeline.


If you set key, cert, or pfx options, they'll get passed through to tiny-lr as options and it will serve over HTTPS. You'll also also set protocol to https.