Pinned Repositories
This repository stores files for Accessibility Conformance Reporting Tool (ACRT) tool. This tool is standalone browser based application and is used to track accessibility test results.
A blog content management system created using Spring Boot, My SQL, and Angular. This repository uses Git submodules to separate the front-end and back-end code bases.
This is the backend code for the blog content management system project. This project uses Spring Boot and My SQL.
This is the frontend code for the blog content management system. This project uses Angular.
A simple service for providing a eureka server for a project that needs service discovery.
A Fashion Store project using microservice architecture. This project provides the functionality for customers, sales representatives, and Administrators to perform normal day to day tasks. A customer can view products, add products to a cart, and place orders. Where a sales representative can assist a customer over the phone to purchice products and cancel orders. Finally an Administrator has the ability to add or remove products, manage all orders, and manage discounts.
This submodule/microservice is apart of the fashion store project. It provides a REST API for managing products for the store.
Invisible UI elements for use with pygame-based audio games.
Uses Angular to present a user interface for the Library Management System.
tbreitenfeldt's Repositories
This is the backend code for the blog content management system project. This project uses Spring Boot and My SQL.
Uses Angular to present a user interface for the Library Management System.
This repository stores files for Accessibility Conformance Reporting Tool (ACRT) tool. This tool is standalone browser based application and is used to track accessibility test results.
A blog content management system created using Spring Boot, My SQL, and Angular. This repository uses Git submodules to separate the front-end and back-end code bases.
This is the frontend code for the blog content management system. This project uses Angular.
A simple service for providing a eureka server for a project that needs service discovery.
A Fashion Store project using microservice architecture. This project provides the functionality for customers, sales representatives, and Administrators to perform normal day to day tasks. A customer can view products, add products to a cart, and place orders. Where a sales representative can assist a customer over the phone to purchice products and cancel orders. Finally an Administrator has the ability to add or remove products, manage all orders, and manage discounts.
This submodule/microservice is apart of the fashion store project. It provides a REST API for managing products for the store.
Invisible UI elements for use with pygame-based audio games.
An accessible IOS app written using React Native to create an interactive kalimba that can be played on a touch screen.
This is the main repository for a Library Management System to provide borrowers, librarians, and admins the functionallity needed to operate within a library.
This service is apart of the Librarayy Management System. It provides the functionality for Admins to manage a Library.
This service is apart of the Librarian Management System. It provides functionality for Librarians to manage a Library branch.
This service is apart of the Library Management System. It manages the gateway for accessing the other microservices as well as securing those endpoints using spring security.
Auto generated Swagger documentation for the Library Management system micro services: borrower-microservice, librarian-microservice, administrator-microservice.
An accessible name drawing program that uses email for output, generally used at Christmas. Uses a JSON file to read the names and emails, and sends an email to each person with the name that was drawn for them.
A configurable JWT based security service for authenticating and registering users.
This is a microservice apart of the Utopia Airline System. It provides the needed functionality for a travel agent to book or cancel a flight for a customer.
This project uses a microservice architecture using submodules to create an airline reservation system.
This microservice is apart of the Utopia Airline System. It provides functionality for a counter agent to perform all needed tasks for managing a customers reservation.
This microservice is apart of the Utopia Airline System. It provides functionality for a customer to make a flight reservation online without having to interact with another person.
This react user interface is is apart of the Utopia Airline System. It provides a user interface for customers, travel agents, and counter agents to manage flight reservations.
This microservice is apart of the Utopia Airline System. It provides the functionality for producing and authenticating JSON Web Tokens for the online, agent and counter usertypes.
A website templating system for quickly modeling an HTML project. Uses an Angular front-end with a Spring Boot RESTFul API back-end. This project uses Github submodules to easily see all components of this project.
A Spring Boot API Github submodule of the website-templator repository used to manage the data for creating, reading updating, and deleting HTML content.
An Angular front-end for a website templating system for modeling HTML projects quickly. Uses a third party Wissey wig for easy code generation. This repository is a submodule of the website-templator repository.