
A HexEagle Prime Studios Production
Members: Steven Aque, Branden Baca, Terence Brewer, Wesley Camphouse

How to Start

  1. Load the game, either by the build folder or the following link:
  2. Click Start Local Game
  3. Click Start Game
  4. You can now begin playing against AI!

How to Play

  1. Click on the help button to learn your way around the game
  2. During the town phase, click on the buildings to upgrade resource production and unit tiers
  3. Open the unit menu to recruit units
  4. End your turn when you're done
  5. During the overworld phase, click on battle to fight other players
  6. Click on trade to trade resources with other players
  7. Play until you have 300 gold to win!


  1. Multiplayer works with the heroku link, but it is very buggy

Current State of the Game

The game is techincally finished, however it is very buggy and can crash at a moments notice. The multiplayer aspect is much buggier than the single player, but the game is playable.


We did not use git for team collaboration so the commits do not accurately team involvement.