
The LaTeX and BibTeX source for my curriculum vitae

Primary LanguageTeX

Bruce Ravel’s CV

A PDF copy of my CV


  • cv.tex: the LaTeX source for my CV
  • highlights.bib: bib file with my favorite citations
  • allmine.bib: bib file with all the rest of my citations
  • BR_smiling.jpg: my photo
  • moderncv.purple.patch: a patch to the Modern CV LaTeX class to add a color of my choice
  • mydoi.sty: a patched copy of the standard doi.sty

Required downloads:

  • The Modern CV class: https://launchpad.net/moderncv
    • Unpack the zip file into the current directory (or, I suppose, install it system-wide). Really only need the .sty and .cls files in the current directory.
    • Apply the patch: ~patch < moderncv.purple.patch~ to add the purple color theme My purple theme has been included since version 0.13, so the patch is no longer necessary.
    • Update moderncv to 1.4!
  • etoolbox: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/etoolbox
    • Again, only need the etoolbox.sty file in the current directory.
  • I had to install Ubuntu’s texlive-latex-extra to get one of Modern CV’s dependencies (xargs.sty). This has since moved into the texlive-latex3 package.

The doi/hyperref problem

This happens:

Package hyperref Message: Driver (autodetected): hpdftex.


! LaTeX Error: Option clash for package hyperref.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.49 \begin{document}

The solution is to edit the doi.sty file at line 36 to read


i.e. add the [unicode].

On my desktop at work, doi.sty is /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/doi/doi.sty

The reason this is necessary is that moderncv imports the hyperref package with the [unicode] argument. The warning is about hyperref being imported differently in the two packages.

Alternately, simply remove line 36, which works because hyperref is already loaded.

mydoi.cls is a copy of doi.sty version 2007/07/24 with line 36 commented out