
Work In progress repository for GlitchTip Demos

Primary LanguageShell


Work In progress repository for GlitchTip Demos

  • This is the base repo for the glitchtip demo based repo. Glitchtip is and open source error tracking application, which can be managed or shelf hosted.

Based here https://glitchtip.com/documentation

Required command line (CLI) tools


  • Required environment variables:

  • SECRET_KEY set to any random string

  • Set up email:

  • EMAIL_URL: SMTP string. It will look something like "smtp://email:password@smtp_url:port". See format examples here.

  • Alternatively, use the Mailgun API by setting MAILGUN_API_KEY and MAILGUN_SENDER_DOMAIN. Set EMAIL_BACKEND to `anymail.backends.mailgun.EmailBackend

  • DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL Default from email address. Example info@example.com

  • GLITCHTIP_DOMAIN Set to your domain. Include scheme (http or https). Example: https://glitchtip.example.com.

Optional environment variables:

  • I_PAID_FOR_GLITCHTIP Donate, set this to "true", and some neat things will happen.
  • GLITCHTIP_MAX_EVENT_LIFE_DAYS (Default 90) Events and associated data older than this will be deleted from the database
  • REDIS_URL Set redis host explicitly. Example: redis://:password@host:port/database. You may also set them separately with REDIS_HOST, REDIS_PORT, REDIS_DATABASE, and REDIS_PASSWORD.
  • DATABASE_URL Set PostgreSQL connect string. PostgreSQL 11 and above are supported.
  • Content Security Policy (CSP) headers are enabled by default. In most cases there is no need to change these. However you may add environment variables as documented in django-csp to modify them. For example, set CSP_DEFAULT_SRC='self',scripts.example.com to modify the default CSP header. Note the usage of comma separated values and single quotes on certain values such as 'self'.
  • ENABLE_OPEN_USER_REGISTRATION (Default False) Set to True to allow any user to register. When False, user self sign up is disabled after the first organization is created. This setting may be useful for SaaS services or self hosting that encourage peers to sign themselves up.

GlitchTip Architecture Overview


Video Demo

  • Review install instructions from asciicinema below.


Note: The default values assume a externally managed PostgresSQL database and external Redis. Redis in GlitchTip is ephemeral.