
Johnson's algorithm to calculate all cycles in a graph

Primary LanguageOCaml

Finding all the Elementary Circuits of a Directed Graph in OCaml

A path is a cycle if the first and last vertices are the same, it is elementary if no vertex appears twice.

Implements the algorithm from Johnson, “Finding all the Elementary Circuits of a Directed Graph”, SIAM Journal on Computing 4(1), March 1975 but handles loops loops (they are counted as elementary cycles of length 1). Multiple edges between two vertices are treated as a single edge.

In the basic algorithm time is bounded by [O((|V| + |E|)(c + 1))], where [c] is the number of cycles which may be more than exponential in the size of the graph, and space is bounded by [O(|V| + |E|)]. Where the original algorithm treats the vertices in order and constructs an adjacency structure in each iteration, this implementation tracks visited nodes using a hash table. A hash table is also used to track “blocked” vertices.

Requires the ocamlgraph library.

Not very useful in practice since the number of elementary circuits is easily often exponential in the size of the graph!