
patch to use Emotiv EPOC headset on linux with openvibe

Primary LanguageShell

Patch aimed to make the Emotic EPOC EEG headset working on Linux with OpenViBE
Tested on Ubuntu 12.04 x86

1- Download the openemo patch
	-> we will assumes that the sources are located in "$HOME/openemo"
2- Install Emotiv EPOC installer
	-> let's assume that the installation folder is "$HOME/EmotivEducation_1.0.0.5"
3- Install subversion
	-> sudo apt-get install subversion
4- Checkout openvibe sources (let's assumer that you are downloading them in your home folder)
	-> cd && svn checkout svn://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/openvibe/trunk openvibe
5- Patch openvibe sources using the script "patchEmotiv.sh"
	-> you can modify the user variables at the head of the script if needed
	-> cd ~/openemo && bash patchEmotiv.sh
6- Compile openvibe
	-> cd ~/openvibe/scripts
	-> sudo su
	-> ./linux-install_dependencies #(select yes on native package installation)
	-> ./linux-build