JDK8 + errorprone-1.3-SNAPSHOT = ClassCastException
ben-manes opened this issue · 6 comments
ben-manes commented
The return value of the compiler (ErrorProneCompiler.java:57) was changed from an int to an enum in Java 8 with an exitCode
field. See the OpenJDK source.
tbroyer commented
Fixed in master
ben-manes commented
ben-manes commented
P.S. You should validate against Gradle 2.3-rc-1 prior to release
ben-manes commented
is not available in the Sonatype snapshots repository. By listing it in the README implies that it is, vs saying on master
tbroyer commented
I had failures with oss.sonatype.org earlier today, should be OK now.
ben-manes commented
Thanks, works perfectly.