Gradle plugin to use the error-prone compiler for Java
- 2
invalid source release: 1.10
#74 opened by neowu - 5
Support for Refaster
#65 opened by jbduncan - 4
- 12
Use com.google.errorprone.ErrorProneJavaCompiler for full Java 9 language support?
#52 opened by cushon - 2
Use Task Configuration Avoidance?
#73 opened by jbduncan - 14
- 3
- 3
Should gradle-errorprone-plugin use latest.release as DEFAULT_DEPENDENCY in ErrorProneBasePlugin.java
#71 opened by penkzhou - 1
Vert.x annotationProcessor (vertx-service-proxy) with this Gradle plugin causes nothing to be compiled anymore
#70 opened by vorburger - 5
Java 9 Platform Class Loader support
#64 opened by chang-huang - 2
- 9
- 6
Register error prone as a compiler plugin
#63 opened by oehme - 4
IOException: Stream closed
#56 opened by yogurtearl - 1
InvocationTargetException occurring when trying to load ErrorProneCompiler$Builder
#62 opened by tom-smalls - 1
Automated releases of gradle-errorprone-plugin
#61 opened by mockitoguy - 8
- 4
- 2
Only old versions
#48 opened by sneakythr0ws - 7
#43 opened by sneakythr0ws - 2
#39 opened by jotish - 1
How to exclusive some package
#38 opened by zhenian - 3
Add DSL for filtering classes
#36 opened by rafaeltoledo - 3
Use a fixed version of errorprone
#35 opened by markelliot - 4
[Request] HTML reports of errorprone
#32 opened by jaredsburrows - 11
JDK9 support
#27 opened by ben-manes - 2
SimpleWorkResult is deprecated in gradle 4.2
#50 opened by ash211 - 2
Is errorprone-base plugin published?
#44 opened by bjkeller - 11
Gradle 3.5 support
#37 opened by ben-manes - 8
NoClassDefFoundError exception
#34 opened by IonutNegru87 - 5
Using grade-errorprone-plugin with gradle-apt-plugin causes java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
#26 opened by jbduncan - 1
How to exclude files from error-prone ?
#51 opened by stephanenicolas - 5
Support gradle 4.3
#53 opened by azell - 8
Error :Execution failed for task ':app:compileDevelopWithDevelopDebugJavaWithJavac'. > java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
#60 opened by Anurag--Singh - 3
NullPointerException while compiling if "import android.databinding.DataBindingUtil"
#59 opened by y4n9b0 - 1
- 6
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- 1
How to use it with checker-framework?
#47 opened by m-titov - 1
InvocationTargetException throw when compiling
#45 opened by juandiana - 1
- 2
[Feature Request] - Support Groovy
#41 opened by jaredsburrows - 1
- 0
#33 opened by NickButcher1 - 2
Gradle 3.1 can't seem to find 0.0.8
#30 opened by chintootech - 1
- 3
how to configure check severity?
#29 opened by phraktle - 3
Add task to run manually
#28 opened by jaredsburrows - 3
Plugin stopped working on Windows 10
#25 opened by koppor - 3
Option to mark warnings as errors
#24 opened by vanniktech