ampm is a cli frontend to some package management tasks based on maven repositories. Specially, you may use it to install, uninstall, check latest version, run & create executables for java artifacts.
depends on: java, maven, ant (>=1.9.1)
clone this repo to some dir (
git clone <ampm-dir>
or just download build.xml to<ampm-dir>
download Maven Ant Tasks into
(direct link)
e.g.:curl -o $HOME/.ant/lib/maven-ant-tasks-2.1.3.jar
or run (from<ampm-dir>
):ant install-maven-ant-tasks
run it (from
for now)
Examples using Jetty Runner
Test if jetty-runner is installed:
ant -DgroupId=org.eclipse.jetty -DartifactId=jetty-runner -Dversion=9.3.10.M0 is-installed
Check latest version avaiable in central:
ant -DgroupId=org.eclipse.jetty -DartifactId=jetty-runner check-latest-version
or: ant -Dartifact=org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-runner check-latest-version
Install jetty-runner and its dependencies:
ant -DgroupId=org.eclipse.jetty -DartifactId=jetty-runner -Dversion=9.3.10.M0 install
or: ant -Dartifact=org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-runner:9.3.10.M0 install
Run jetty-runner (replace <some-dir>
ant -DgroupId=org.eclipse.jetty -DartifactId=jetty-runner -Dversion=9.3.10.M0 -Dmainclass=org.eclipse.jetty.runner.Runner -Dargs="--port 8081 <some-dir>" run
(and navigate to http://localhost:8081/
Run jetty-runner without mainclass
property - extracted from MANIFEST (replace <some-dir>
ant -DgroupId=org.eclipse.jetty -DartifactId=jetty-runner -Dversion=9.3.10.M0 -Dargs="--port 8081 <some-dir>" run
or: ant -Dartifact=org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-runner:9.3.10.M0 -Dargs="--port 8081 ." run
(and navigate to http://localhost:8081/
Create executable script:
ant -DgroupId=org.eclipse.jetty -DartifactId=jetty-runner -Dversion=9.3.10.M0 -Dmainclass=org.eclipse.jetty.runner.Runner make-exec
or: ant -DgroupId=org.eclipse.jetty -DartifactId=jetty-runner -Dversion=9.3.10.M0 make-exec
Run the executable script created (replace <some-dir>
): --port 8081 <some-dir>
or (windows): org.eclipse.jetty.jetty-runner.9.3.10.M0.bat --port 8081 <some-dir>
Uninstall jetty-runner (not its dependencies):
ant -DgroupId=org.eclipse.jetty -DartifactId=jetty-runner -Dversion=9.3.10.M0 uninstall
You may search for jetty runner artifacts in maven central or
Examples using swing app javadev/calc
Install calc:
ant -DgroupId=com.github.javadev -DartifactId=calc -Dversion=1.0 install
Run calc:
ant -DgroupId=com.github.javadev -DartifactId=calc -Dversion=1.0 -Dmainclass=com.github.calc.Calc run
or: ant -DgroupId=com.github.javadev -DartifactId=calc -Dversion=1.0 run
Examples using sqlline
Install sqlline:
ant -DgroupId=sqlline -DartifactId=sqlline -Dversion=1.1.9 install
Run sqlline (using extra classpath
- replace <dir-with-drivers-jars>
ant -DgroupId=sqlline -DartifactId=sqlline -Dversion=1.1.9 -Dmainclass=sqlline.SqlLine -Dclasspath=<dir-with-drivers-jars>/* run
Create executable script (replace <dir-with-drivers-jars>
ant -DgroupId=sqlline -DartifactId=sqlline -Dversion=1.1.9 -Dmainclass=sqlline.SqlLine -Dclasspath=<dir-with-drivers-jars>/* make-exec
Create executable script with name sqlline.[sh|bat]
(replace <dir-with-drivers-jars>
ant -DgroupId=sqlline -DartifactId=sqlline -Dversion=1.1.9 -Dmainclass=sqlline.SqlLine -Dclasspath=<dir-with-drivers-jars>/* -Dbase.script.file=sqlline make-exec
Examples using h2
Install version 1.4.192
of h2:
ant -DgroupId=com.h2database -DartifactId=h2 -Dversion=1.4.192 install
Install latest version of h2 & Make executable:
ant -DgroupId=com.h2database -DartifactId=h2 -DuseLatestVersion=1 install make-exec
Run h2 (see options):
ant -DgroupId=com.h2database -DartifactId=h2 -Dversion=1.4.192 -Dargs="-tcpPort 9095" run
or: -tcpPort 9095
Run h2 shell (make-exec & run using exec.variant
ant -DgroupId=com.h2database -DartifactId=h2 -Dversion=1.4.192 -Dexec.variant=Shell make-exec
Examples using microemulator/microemu-javase-swing
Install microemulator:
ant -DgroupId=org.microemu -DartifactId=microemu-javase-swing -Dversion=2.0.4 install
Run microemulator:
ant -DgroupId=org.microemu -DartifactId=microemu-javase-swing -Dversion=2.0.4 run
List organizations:
ant -DgroupId=ch.qos.logback list-organizations
(list/show ch.qos.logback
or: ant -DgroupId=org list-organizations
(organizations from org.
or: ant -DgroupId=o* list-organizations
(organizations starting with o
or: ant list-organizations
(list all)
List artifacts:
ant -DgroupId=ch.qos.log* list
(artifacts from organizations starting with ch.qos.log
or: ant -DgroupId=org.slf4j -Dlist.maxVersionsToShow=7 list
(artifacts from org.slf4j
- show up to 7 versions)
or: ant list
(list all artifacts)
Show artifact details:
ant -DgroupId=org.apache.cxf -DartifactId=cxf -Dversion=2.4.6 show
or: ant -Dartifact=org.apache.cxf:cxf:2.4.6 show
or: ant show -Dartifact=org.apache.struts:struts-core -DuseLatestVersion=1
Author: Telmo Brugnara -
License: Apache License, v2.0