
The main purpose of this project is a tool for converting SVG files into KML files.

Primary LanguageJava

kmlutils - utils for KML files

The purpose of this project is to provide functions for XML-based "visual" file formats. Main Focus is KML, SVG and GraphML file formats.

The main functionality of this project is a tool for converting SVG files into KML files. Currently it (svg2kml) partially converts polygons (tbrugz.geo.SVG2KML)

This project also provides a conversion tool for SVG to GraphML (tbrugz.geo.SVG2GraphML)

The project's wiki also have some useful information.

Maven snapshot repo at oss.sonatype.org

Author: Telmo Brugnara <tbrugz@gmail.com>

License: GNU Lesser General Public License

svg2kml howto

  • build with ant (e.g.: ant dist or ant jar)
  • copy svg2kml-default.properties to svg2kml.properties
  • edit svg2kml.properties, set "svgin", "kmlout", "maxX", "minX", "maxY", "minY" properties
  • (optional) edit snippets.properties to set constant parts to be inserted in the KML file
  • (optional) edit idmappings.properties to translate IDs from the SVG file to the KML file
  • run java -cp dist/jars/kmlutils.jar;lib/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar;lib/log4j-1.2.15.jar tbrugz/geo/SVG2KML

svg2graphml howto

  • similar to svg2kml ;) but you have to edit svg2graphml.properties
  • run java -cp dist/svg2kml.jar;lib/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar;lib/log4j-1.2.15.jar tbrugz/geo/SVG2GraphML


  • jdk 1.5+
  • commons-logging
  • log4j (optional)
  • ant (build only)
  • ivy (build only)

Running - classes with main()

  • tbrugz.geo.SVG2KML (main)
  • tbrugz.geo.SVG2GraphML
  • tbrugz.geo.test.Test
  • tbrugz.xml.test.Test


  • clean & resolve dependencies: ant clean resolve
  • build artifacts: ant dist
  • publish artifacts: ant publish
  • clean, resolve dependencies, build & publish: ant all

Included media

Municipalities_of_RS.svg originated from: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Municipalities_of_the_South_Region_of_Brazil.svg licensed under: CC-BY-SA

SantaCatarina_MesoMicroMunicip_municipios.svg originated from: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:SantaCatarina_MesoMicroMunicip.svg licensed under: CC-BY-SA

Brazil_Labelled_Map_v2.svg originated from: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ficheiro:Brazil_Labelled_Map.svg licensed under: CC-BY-SA

KML Schema - urls



see: https://bitbucket.org/tbrugz/kmlutils/commits/