
bug: request permission twice, in one subscribe receive callback twice

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guess with this code , what will print?

        RxPermissions(this).request(READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE).subscribe()
        RxPermissions(this).request(READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE).subscribe { granted ->
            Log.i(TAG(), "get permission")

we hope "get permission" will print once,but actually, it print twice!!


I find code in RxPermissions#request(trigger, permissions) , the oneOf method return Observable.merge

if Observable.merge contain two Observable , the requestImplementation method will execuate twice, finally the callback in subscribe will execuate twice!

so ,when the Observable.merge contains two Observable?

in most of time , pending method will return Observable.empty() , then wrapped by Observable.merge(trigger, Observable.empty()), the result just contains one Observable.But with the code above, the pedding method will return Observable.just(TRIGGER), so the Observable.merge contains two Observable.


I searched the history of those code, this related to #44 and #42 , but, when RxPermissionsFragment#onRequestPermissionsResult callback, mSubjects will remove all permissions.

so , the pending and oneOf is out of date.

just delete those code.