- 1
Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState getRxPermissionsFrag
#323 opened by jingerlovexiaojie - 1
#365 opened by ling976 - 7
- 3
- 7
compileSdk 33,pixel 手机android 13,请求权限失败
#364 opened by xuexirong - 5
#367 opened by bsxy000 - 8
Gradle import failed
#351 opened by nick-doze - 0
There is no method
#366 opened by 1477466721 - 2
Bug can not import packagename library
#363 opened by longquangpham90 - 0
android 11 中 获取应用列表时一个神奇现象
#362 opened by dongbeicxy - 0
Removing Jetifier
#361 opened by owant - 1
Many users crash with io.reactivex.rxjava3.exceptions.OnErrorNotImplementedException
#336 opened by andj207 - 2
Cannot access class 'io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable'. Check your module classpath for missing or conflicting dependencies
#354 opened by leif123 - 4
onNext() is not called after "deny" clicked
#337 opened by fierce-bunny - 3
Crash with new navigation library
#358 opened by SergeyMilevskiy - 4
Trouble with Android 11 and a new option for permissions "Only this time/Ask every time"
#333 opened by slobodanantonijevic - 4
NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'android.os.Handler' on a null object reference
#308 opened by yu75567218 - 3
- 0
FragmentTransition Bug
#357 opened by axel8888 - 0
Memory Leak
#356 opened by leviluo - 5
Need to Migrate JCenter to mavenCentral
#353 opened by abhi301285 - 1
How does it work with Android 11?
#343 opened by snowf07 - 0
- 3
Typo is Readme File
#348 opened by Yash-Raj-Singh - 0
- 0
Migrate to Maven Central
#347 opened by bearlysophisticated - 2
Failure delivering result ResultInfo
#303 opened by wuhenzhizao - 1
Do not work on OPPO or VIVO if denyed
#301 opened by 490965536 - 0
I want to know about it's licensing
#342 opened by tanmay380 - 2
Move library to maven central
#341 opened by thesurix - 1
Hello,Can RxPermission support multi language?
#339 opened by fengyuwuzu526 - 0
Can FlutterActivity be supported?
#338 opened by clearflame236 - 6
how to support kotlin
#310 opened by Qiaoshi96 - 0
- 4
Could not find class 'io.reactivex.rxjava3.internal.jdk8.ObservableFirstStageObserver', referenced from method io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable.firstOrErrorStage
#332 opened by 398049343 - 1
- 0
Why did the app return false when it was installed for the first time, and no permission was applied
#330 opened by snowf07 - 1
Cannot resolve method 'subscribe(<lambda expression>)'
#329 opened by ywoods - 3
0.10.2版本 出现 ANR
#304 opened by liuruimilk - 1
引入库失败,下载demo也无法运行 Android x
#307 opened by Alanqiu - 1
- 1
- 6
锤子Pro2 拒绝权限后,一直返回true
#316 opened by suoyj - 1
#327 opened by TomorrowDreamer - 2
how to support kotlin
#311 opened by Qiaoshi96 - 7
RxPermissions support for RxJava3
#317 opened by nguyenhoc89 - 2
#322 opened by Noshilyahgg - 1
Result of 'Observable.subscribe()' is ignored
#318 opened by la-colinares - 3
#305 opened by autught - 0
How to reopen a permission request?
#300 opened by s-ilnar