
Primary LanguageJavaScript

how to use

first , you need to install mocha and istanbul

npm install mocha istanbul -g

second , install the package

npm install

last, run

npm run reporter

get result

the coverage is written in the "result.xlsx" .And, you can also open the html file in coverage folder


  • 测试用例excel的格式参考已经给出的excel文件.表的第一行要有[date],[n],[output]

  • 使用其他的测试用例 需要在 nextNDate.test.js中把要测试的文件名放进去,

var testcaseFile = path.resolve("[文件名]");
  • 关于闰年的判断 公元前的闰年判断方法不太明确, 这里采用wiki的说法. 如果要修改, 可以直接修改isLeapYear.js