React Redux Webpack Boilerplate

This boilerplate is a starting point for a web app with redux, react, react-router, and webpack.


This repository was built using npm v4.2.0


  1. Clone this repo and give your project a name: git clone <YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>
  2. Enter the directory: cd <YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>
  3. Install the requirements: npm install
  4. Build the project
    1. To build for development, run npm run dev
      1. Press ctrl+H to open the Redux Devtool side bar.
    2. For a production app, run npm run build
  5. Click on the unicorn 🦄

Project Structure

This boilerplate's structure is based off of the Ducks Pattern. It allows for redux features to be bundled together in a self-contained matter. Components are split into Presentational and Container Components (app/components/ and app/containers/, respectfully) as recommended in this write-up by Dan Abramov. CSS files are siblings to their components, as each component is nested in its own directory and exposed through the components/index.js file.