
Everyone needs a turtle

MIT LicenseMIT


Everyone needs a turtle.

Turtlify is a kind reminder to poeple who leave their computer unlocked while going away. It's a basic principle of computer security that you never should do that. So just give them a turtle in their shell. Why? Because there is a poor turtle without a shell and it needs a new home!

To marry your turtle with the your (zsh, bash,...) shell, run the following command:

wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tburny/turtlify/master/turtlify.sh && chmod +x turtlify.sh && turtlify.sh | bash

This will download the turtlify script, make it executable and execute it afterwards. You can see the source code anytime (and should check it) before you do that.

I received a turtle

If you want to remove a turtle someone gave your shell, just remove the according echo command at the end of ~/.bashrc and/or ~/.zshrc with your favourite $EDITOR.


You should know what you are doing and that you are responsible for your actions. Also, see the LICENSE.txt file in this repository.