
⛔️ DEPRECATED Dirty iMacros scripts. Download files or pages from e-Housing@HKHA.



Scripts are no longer implemented in iMacro after iMacro monetization move and e-Housing platform migration.

e-Housing Scraper in iMacros


Macros to download files or HTML pages from e-Housing. They are implemented in iMacros.

  1. A Macro lands on a specific page.
  2. It traces HTML elements to locate target files or pages.
  3. Tweak parameters. Some of them are hard-coded.
  4. Run in browser or batch jobs.

Not the most scalable solution, these Macros are still faster than pulling data by hand. It is good enough for scheduled data refresh. It's super fast to add or change Macros.



First, install iMacros browser add-on. Firefox is most recommended. See installation, config and how-to-use instructions in official page.

Find the working folder where iMacros is storing your custom macros. On Windows it's ~/Documents/iMacros/Macros by default. Download the Macros there :

# Change directory to working folder
$ cd ~/Documents/iMacros
# Clone this repository into working folder
$ git clone https://github.com/tc-ying/imacros-ehousing-scraper Macros

I tested the Macros on Firefox version 47.0 and iMacros version 8.9.7.


In batch mode, use Init Login.iim to login into e-Housing system first :

$ ./firefox imacros://run/?m=FLBWMASS%5CInit%20Login.iim &
$ sleep 10s

User name and password is not coded inside the Macro. Configure Firefox to remember logins and passwords for e-Housing, once and for all.

Tweak parameters once in a while. Sometimes they could be search query parameters :

# Therefore update this monthly
SET myPERIOD 201711

Or for-loop conditions. You can set for-loop variables via iMacros UI, special variables, or simply fix them in code :

ADD !VAR1 {{!VAR1}}
ADD !VAR1 -1

File paths and file names are also subject to change :

SET Destination \\machine\dir
ONDOWNLOAD FOLDER={{Destination}} FILE={{File}}.pdf WAIT=YES


License: MPL 2.0

This project is licensed under Mozilla Public License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for full license text.

Disclaimer : Contributors have agreed to submit no sensitive information to this repository for any purpose.