Week 4 Pair Challenge: Bookmark Manager

User stories

As a user So that I can see my bookmarks I would like to view altogether them as a list

As a user So that I can update my bookmarks I would like to add new ones

Domain Model

class/object => BookmarkManager variables => @list_of_bookmarks: [] messages => list_bookmarks(), add_bookmark()

How to set-up the database

  1. Connect to psql
  2. Create the database using the psql command CREATE DATABASE bookmark_manager;
  3. Connect to the database using the pqsl command \c bookmark_manager;
  4. Run the query we have saved in the file 01_create_bookmarks_table.sql
  5. Run the query we have saved in the file 02_add_title_to_bookmarks.sql

How to set-up the test database

  1. Connect to psql
  2. Create the database using the psql command CREATE DATABASE bookmark_manager_test;
  3. Connect to the database using the pqsl command \c bookmark_manager_test;
  4. Run the query we have saved in the file 01_create_bookmarks_table.sql
  5. Run the query we have saved in the file 02_add_title_to_bookmarks.sql