Provides additional methods on Array.prototype and TypedArray.prototype to enable changes on the array by returning a new copy of it with the change.
- 11
Why the naming
#103 opened by regularlabs - 1
Research web compatibility
#23 opened by rricard - 19
Stage 3 reviews
#74 opened by acutmore - 1
- 11
`toReversed()` is not reversible on sparse arrays
#101 opened by Josh-Cena - 14
- 0
Should the `CreateDataPropertyOrThrow` invocation in `Array.prototype.sort` be changed to `Set`?
#97 opened by trflynn89 - 1
Items for TC39 2022 July Plenary
#95 opened by acutmore - 2
- 4
Extra param alternative?
#90 opened by Rudxain - 19
Alternative to `toSpliced()`
#80 opened by hax - 0
TypedArray.prototype.with should convert `v` up front
#85 opened by syg - 11
Alternative approaches
#84 opened by FrameMuse - 8
- 4
Consider `.mutatedCopy(mutatorFunction)`
#13 opened by brad4d - 19
- 15
Why does 'with' throw on out-of-bounds access
#75 opened by acutmore - 0
- 1
Types broken when array is marked as readonly
#47 opened by RobertCZ - 0
Update ecmarkup to v9
#46 opened by acutmore - 4
toSpliced differences from splice
#54 opened by ljharb - 2
- 0
Split up TypedArraySpeciesCreate
#39 opened by acutmore - 1
- 53
Names of functions
#10 opened by rricard - 1
withSpliced performs more work than necessary.
#43 opened by acutmore - 10
To change: Reduction of scope
#27 opened by rricard - 0
Researching existing code corpora
#37 opened by acutmore - 1
- 5
New naming scheme: with<PastTense> and withAt
#26 opened by rricard - 2
- 14
Spec should not handle sparse arrays
#8 opened by mhofman - 1
missing "copiedWithin" ?
#12 opened by rricard - 7
missing “filled"
#4 opened by ljharb - 0
#2 opened by zloirock - 0
#29 opened by Scopetta197 - 0
#30 opened by Scopetta197 - 5
- 3
spec calling into mutator methods
#7 opened by ljharb - 1
`ArrayClone` question
#6 opened by ljharb - 2
Spec needs `%` for intrinsics
#5 opened by ljharb - 0
- 2
Versions of those methods for typed arrays
#1 opened by zloirock - 3
Introduce array.prototype.clone
#11 opened by heyitsarpit - 5
without: remove elements from array?
#9 opened by slorber