
Is node 20, going to implement decorators?

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I so love the idea of decorators, but I don't get to use transpilers, so I'm patiently waiting for it's mainstream adoption.
So, will node.js v20 support decorators?
Because if it will, I would try it out, on it's release date, even if that's New Year's day.

Hi @akwotom I believe a better suited repo for this question would be nodejs/node itself ๐Ÿ˜‰ .

But since this is still in proposal stage (although stage 3) I don't believe Nodejs is going to have decorators so soon (hopefully I'm mistaken), and if i'm not mistaken decorators would actually be an addition in V8 itself (someone correct me if I'm wrong please).
You can see/follow some of node's support here: and you can follow V8 updates on the Chrome release channel or

@jsmrcaga is correct! And decorators are a very big feature to implement, so it will be a while before that V8 supports them.

Thanks for answering so promptly!
Now I get it.