
JavaScript Structs: Fixed Layout Objects

Primary LanguageHTML

JavaScript Structs: Fixed Layout Objects and Some Synchronization Primitives

Stage: 1

Author: Shu-yu Guo (@syg)

Champion: Shu-yu Guo (@syg), Ron Buckton (@rbuckton), Asumu Takikawa (@takikawa), Keith Miller (@kmiller68)



Structs are declarative sealed objects. There are two kinds of structs: unshared structs and shared structs. Unshared structs behave as if they were sealed objects. Shared structs have additional restrictions and can be concurrently accessed from different agents.

Both unshared and shared structs have the following properties:

  • Opaque storage like plain objects. Not aliasable via ArrayBuffer or SharedArrayBuffer.
  • Instances have all fields initialized in one shot, then sealed. The engine must be able to fix a layout that is unchanging. This implies that all superclasses must also be structs.
  • Do not have user constructors in the class sense, and instead have post-construction initializers. This implies that the return override trick does not work with structs.
  • Struct methods are not generic. They throw if the receiver is not an instance of the struct.
  • Transitively immutable [[Prototype]] slot. A struct instance's [[Prototype]] slot is immutable, as are the [[Prototype]] slot of every object on its prototype chain.

Shared structs have the following additional properties:

  • Data fields are shared.
  • All superclasses must be shared structs.
  • Only reference other primitives or shared objects.
  • Have either a null [[Prototype]] or a realm-local [[Prototype]].
  • Do not have a .constructor property if the struct has a null [[Prototype]].
  • Getters, setters, and methods are allowed in the case of a realm-local [[Prototype]].
  • Constructors have [Symbol.hasInstance] to support instanceof.

This proposal is intended to be minimal.

Structs can be designed with or without novel syntax, but given the declarative nature and the semantics differences with classes, we propose a class-like syntax using struct and shared struct.

A minimal plain struct example.

struct Box {
  // 'constructor' as a distinguished name is open to bikeshedding, since
  // this is not really a constructor but is doing post-construction
  // initialization.
  constructor(x) { this.x = x; }

let box = new Box();
box.x = 42;  // x is declared
assertThrows(() => { box.y = 8.8; });       // structs are sealed
assertThrows(() => { box.__proto__ = {} }); // structs are sealed

A minimal shared struct example.

// main.js
shared struct SharedBox {

let sharedBox = new SharedBox();
let sharedBox2 = new SharedBox();

sharedBox.x = 42;          // x is declared and rhs is primitive
sharedBox.x = sharedBox2;  // x is declared and rhs is shared
assertThrows(() => { sharedBox.x = {}; }) // rhs is not a shared struct

let worker = new Worker('worker.js');
worker.postMessage({ sharedBox });

sharedBox.x = "main";      // x is declared and rhs is primitive
// worker.js
onmessage = function(e) {
  let sharedBox = e.data.sharedBox;
  sharedBox.x = "worker";  // x is declared and rhs is primitive

The above program is permitted to print out any interleaving:

  • main main
  • main worker
  • worker worker
  • worker main

Attaching behavior to shared structs

This is an involved topic and has its own document. See ATTACHING-BEHAVIOR.md.

Shared fixed-length arrays

Shared fixed-length arrays are the closed counterpart to Arrays, as structs are the closed counterpart to ordinary JS objects.

Shared fixed-length arrays are always shared. Structured data sharing requires some primitive notion of collections, on top of which more sophisticated collections can be built.

While there is nothing in principle preventing addition of a unshared fixed-length array, the use case is currently unmotivated. Where sharing across agents is not needed, ordinary Array instances are more flexible and already performant.

Shared fixed-length arrays have the following property:

  • Length is required at construction time.
  • Instances cannot be resized.
  • Elements can only be other primitives other shared objects.
  • Shared arrays have a realm-local [[Prototype]] which has a complement of helper functions.
  • The shared array constructor has [Symbol.hasInstance] to support instanceof.

Shared fixed-length arrays do not need novel syntax. For brevity of presentation, examples are given using the SharedFixedArray constructor.

// main.js
let sharedArray = new SharedFixedArray(10);
assert(sharedArray.length === 10);

let worker = new Worker('worker.js');
worker.postMessage({ sharedArray });

sharedArray[0] = "main";
// worker.js
onmessage = function(e) {
  let sharedArray = e.data.sharedArray;
  sharedArray[0] = "worker";

Just like the struct example, above program is permitted to print out any interleaving:

  • main main
  • main worker
  • worker worker
  • worker main

Synchronization primitives

Non-recursive mutexes and conditional variables are well-understood synchronization primitives. Structured data sharing are well served by these higher-level synchronization primitives beyond Atomics.wait and Atomics.notify.

Mutexes and conditional variables are currently proposed as shared objects with realm-local [[Prototype]]s.

Minimal examples below.

// Creates a new mutex.
let mutex = new Atomics.Mutex;

// This would block the current agent if the lock is held
// by another thread. This cannot be used on the agents
// whose [[CanBlock]] is false.
mutex.lock(function runsUnderLock() {
  // Do critical section stuff

// tryLock is like lock but returns true if the lock was acquired
// without blocking, and false is the lock is held by another
// thread.
mutex.tryLock(runsUnderLock() {
  // Do critical section stuff
let cv = new Atomics.Condition;

mutex.lock(() => {
  // This blocks the current agent, and cannot be used on the agents
  // whose [[CanBlock]] is false. The passed in mutex must be locked.
  cv.wait(cv, mutex);

// Waiters can notified with a count. A count of undefined or
// +Infinity means "all waiters".
let count = 1;
let numWaitersWokenUp = cv.notify(count);

Extending Atomics.Mutex to support using

The Explicit Resource Management proposal adds using declarations that perform lexically scoped resource management. The Atomics.Mutex API can be extended to better support using. For example,

  • mutex.lock() can be overloaded to lock mutex
  • mutex.unlock() can be added
  • The [Symbol.dispose] own property can be added to all Atomics.Mutex instances

Asynchronous locking and waiting

Asynchronous locking is planned upcoming work but is out of scope of this proposal. See ASYNC-LOCKING-WAITING.md for lockAsync and waitAsync.

Motivation and requirements

Shared memory for parallelism

This proposal seeks to enable more shared memory parallelism for a more parallel future. Like other shared memory features in JavaScript, it is high in expressive power and high in difficulty to use correctly. This proposal is both intended as an incremental step towards higher-level, easier-to-use (e.g. data-race free by construction) parallelism abstractions as well as an escape hatch for expert programmers who need the expressivity.

The two design principles that this proposal follows are:

  1. Syntax that looks atomic ought to be atomic. (For example, the dot operator on shared structs should only access an existing field and does not tear.)
  2. There are no references from shared objects to non-shared objects. The shared and non-shared heaps are conceptually separate, with direct references only going one way.

WasmGC interoperability

The WasmGC proposal adds fixed layout, garbage-collected objects to Wasm. While the details of the type system of these objects are yet to be nailed down, interoperability with JavaScript will be important.

WasmGC objects have opaque storage and are not aliased by linear memory, so they cannot be exposed as all Wasm memory is exposed today via ArrayBuffers. We propose structs to be the reflection of WasmGC objects in JS.

WasmGC objects exposed to JS should behave the same as structs, modulo extra type checking that WasmGC require that JS structs do not. JS structs is also a good foundation for reflecting into Wasm as WasmGC objects, but that is currently left as future work as it may need a typed field extensions to be worthwhile.

Further, WasmGC itself will eventually have multithreading. It behooves us to maintain a single memory model between JavaScript and Wasm as we have today, even with higher-level object abstractions.

Predictable instance performance

Objects that are declared with a fixed layout help engines to have more predictable performance. A fixed layout object also lays groundwork for future refinement, such as typed fields.


Value semantics, immutability, and operator overloading

This proposal does not intend to explore the space of objects with value semantics, including immutability and operator overloading. Structs have identity like other objects and are designed to be used like other objects. Value semantics is a sufficient departure that it may be better solved with other proposals that focus on that space.

Sophisticated type systems

This proposal does not intend to explore sophisticated type and runtime guard systems. It is even more minimal than the closest spiritual ancestor, the Typed Objects proposal, in that we do not propose integral types for sized fields. (Typed and sized fields are reserved for future work.)

Binary data overlay views

This proposal does not intend to explore the space of overlaying structured views on binary data in an ArrayBuffer. This is a requirement arising from the desire for WasmGC integration, and WasmGC objects are similarly opaque.

Structured overlays are fundamentally about aliasing memory, which we feel is both a different problem domain, has significant performance downsides, and sufficiently solvable today in userland. For example, see buffer-backed objects.

Notably, structured overlays in JavaScript essentially involves allocating unshared wrappers per agent. If an application has shared state with a complex structure, such as a large object graph, recreating that structure via a set of wrappers per agent negates the memory use benefits of shared memory. Structured overlays would work for specific application architectures where the structure of the shared state itself is simple, like a byte buffer.


This proposal can be developed with or without novel syntax. It is presented with novel syntax below.

Plain structs

Plain structs are declared with the contextual struct keyword in front of a class declaration.

struct expressions parse the same as plain class expressions.

During evaluation of a struct expression, the following checks are performed.

  • If there is an extends clause and the superclass is not a struct, throw a TypeError

When a struct constructor is invoked, it creates instances with the following properties:

  • All instance fields, including those from any superclasses, are defined and initialized to undefined before the newly constructed instance escapes to the constructor function (aka "one-shot")
  • Instances are sealed
  • Instances' [[Prototype]] slot is immutable after construction

Shared structs

Shared structs are declared with the contextual shared struct keywords in front of a class declaration. Intuitively, they behave as very restricted structs.

A shared struct can declare itself to have a realm-local [[Prototype]] with the incantation with nonshared prototype. See ATTACHING-BEHAVIOR.md.

A shared struct can declare its shape to be auto-correlated across realms with the incantation with registered. See ATTACHING-BEHAVIOR.md.

shared struct expressions throw an early error if it does not have a realm-local [[Prototype]] and the following forms are encountered.

  • method
  • getter
  • setter
  • field initializers

During evaluation of a shared struct expression, the following checks are performed.

  • If the expression does not have a realm-local [[Prototype]], there is an extends clause, and the superclass is not a shared struct, throw a TypeError

When a shared struct constructor is invoked, it creates instances with the following properties:

  • All instance fields are defined and initialized to undefined before the newly constructed instance escapes to the constructor function (aka "one-shot")
  • Constructors have [Symbol.hasInstance] to support instanceof
  • Instances are sealed
  • Instances' [[Prototype]] slot contains either null or a realm-local object, depending on whether it was declared as having a realm-local prototype
  • Instances do not have a .constructor property if they do not have a realm-local prototype
  • Instances are shared with instead of copied to other agents
  • Instances' identities are preserved when communicated between agents
  • When a value is assigned to an instance field, if it is neither a primitive nor a shared object or is a Symbol, throw a TypeError
  • Instances' field accesses are unordered shared memory accesses and must not tear (i.e. another agent must not observe a partially written value)

The following Atomics methods will be extended to accept shared struct instances as the first argument and a field name as the second argument, to support sequentially consistent accesses.

  • Atomics.load
  • Atomics.store
  • Atomics.exchange
  • Atomics.compareExchange

Note that the arithmetic Atomics methods like Atomics.add are not included because there isn't widespread ISA support for atomic read-modify-write of floating point values. The workaround is to compute locally and store with Atomics.compareExchange.

Shared fixed-length arrays

Shared fixed-length arrays are constructed using the SharedFixedArray(len) constructor. They are considered shared objects.

  • Constructors have [Symbol.hasInstance] to support instanceof
  • Instances are sealed
  • Instances have a realm-local [[Prototype]] with TBD helper methods
  • Instances have an immutable .length property
  • Instances are shared with instead of copied to other agents
  • Instances' identities are preserved when communicated between agents
  • When a value is assigned to an instance field, if it is neither a primitive nor a shared object or is a Symbol, throw a TypeError
  • Instances' element accesses are unordered shared memory accesses and must not tear (i.e. another agent must not observe a partially written value)

The following Atomics methods will be extended to accept SharedFixedArray instances as the first argument and an index as the second argument, to support sequentially consistent accesses.

  • Atomics.load
  • Atomics.store
  • Atomics.exchange
  • Atomics.compareExchange

Note that the arithmetic Atomics methods like Atomics.add are not included because there isn't widespread ISA support for atomic read-modify-write of floating point values. The workaround is to compute locally and store with Atomics.compareExchange.


Non-recursive mutexes are constructed using the Atomics.Mutex constructor. They are considered shared objects.

  • Atomics.Mutex has a [Symbol.hasInstance] to support instanceof
  • Instances are sealed
  • Instances have no properties
  • Instances are shared with instead of copied to other agents
  • Instances' identities are preserved when communicated between agents
  • Instances have a realm-local [[Prototype]] with the following methods
    • lock(funToRunUnderLock, [ timeout ]): Acquire mutex by blocking for a maximum of timeout milliseconds. Once acquired, invoke funToRunUnderLock, then release the lock. The timeout parameter defaults to Infinity.
    • tryLock(funToRunUnderLock): Try to acquire mutex, returning undefined if already locked. Once acquired, invoke funToRunUnderLock, then release the lock.


Condition variables are constructed using the Atomics.Condition constructor. They are considered shared objects.

  • Atomics.Condition has a [Symbol.hasInstance] to support instanceof
  • Instances are sealed
  • Instances have no properties
  • Instances are shared with instead of copied to other agents
  • Instances' identities are preserved when communicated between agents
  • Instances have a relam-local [[Prototype]] with the following methods
    • wait(cv, mutex, [ timeout ]): Block the agent until cv is notified or until timeout milliseconds have passed. mutex must be locked. It is atomically released when the agent blocks and is reacquired after notification. timeout defaults to Infinity. Throw a TypeError of the agent's [[CanBlock]] is false.
    • notify(cv, count): Notify count number of cv's waiters. A count of Infinity notifies all waiters.

Implementation guidance

Immutable shapes

Structs are declared with fixed layout up front. Engines should make an immutable shape for such objects. Optimizers can optimize field accesses without worrying about deopts.

Shared structs: make sure fields are pointer-width and aligned

Shared structs should store fields such that underlying architectures can perform atomic stores and loads. This usually means the fields should be at least pointer-width and aligned.

Shared structs: strings will be difficult

Except for strings, sharing primitives in the engine is usually trivial, especially for NaN-boxing implementations.

Strings in production engines have in-place mutation to transition representation in order to optimize for different use cases (e.g. ropes, slices, canonicalized, etc). Sharing strings will likely be the most challenging part of the implementation.

It is possible to support sharing strings by copying-on-sharing, but may be too slow. If possible, lockfree implementations of in-place mutations above is ideal.

Synchronization primitives: they must be moving GC-safe

Production engines use moving garbage collectors, such as generational collectors and compacting collectors. If JS synchronization primitives are implemented under the hood as OS-level synchronization primitives, those primitives most likely depend on an unchanging address in memory and are not moving GC-safe.

Engines can choose to pin these objects and make them immovable.

Engines can also choose to implement synchronization primitives entirely in userspace. For example, WebKit's ParkingLot is a userspace implementation of Linux futexes. This may have other benefits, such as improved and tuneable performance.

Future work

Code sharing

Code sharing is not part of this proposal and thus shared structs cannot have truly shared methods. This may prove to be unergonomic enough that we bring code sharing in scope. Doing so would likely require a new kind of function cannot close over non-shared objects.

This proposal instead proposes to use existing unshared functions and to bridge the two worlds by having realm-local [[Prototype]]s.

Typed fields

In the future, it may be sensible for more efficient memory representation ("packing") to also declare the type and size of fields. It is omitted from this proposal in that it is not a requirement for none of the primary motivations. At the same time, starting without types lets us add them incrementally in the future.

Shared structs: fast cloning

Since structs have fixed layout with an immutable [[Prototype]] slot and no accessors, they are amenable to fast cloning.