
Pianobar event_command with Last.fm scrobbling, and desktop notifications

Primary LanguageRuby



This is a Pianobar event_command script with Last.fm scrobbling, and desktop notifications for Linux and OSX.

(Pianobar is a free/open-source, console-based client for the personalized online radio Pandora. It plays Pandora without using Flash or Adobe AIR.)


  • Ruby
  • You need to install Pianobar first: https://github.com/PromyLOPh/pianobar
    • setup your config file, located PATH_TO_HOME_FOLDER/.config/pianobar/config:

      # User
      # Misc
      event_command = PATH_TO_HOME_FOLDER/.config/pianobar/pianobar-lastfm.rb
      # high-quality audio (192k mp3, for Pandora One subscribers only!)
      audio_quality = high
      rpc_host = tuner.pandora.com
      tls_fingerprint = 2D0AFDAFA16F4B5C0A43F3CB1D4752F9535507C0
  • for desktop notifications:
    • OSX: install the free version of Growl: http://growl.info/downloads
      • (growl has to be running to see notifications)
    • Linux: you need notify-send which is usually installed with libnotify
  • for Last.fm scrobbling:
    • install the lastfm rubygem

    • You need to create an API account/app for Pianobar and create an authorized session token

    • create a config file with your Last.fm credentials. Place the file in the ~/.config/pianobar folder and name it last_fm.yml:

      api_secret: YOUR_API_SECRET
      session_key: YOUR_SESSION_KEY
      api_key: YOUR_API_KEY