Tesseract, freetype, imagemagick@6, ghostscript, openCV, python3. Django
- Only authenticated users are able to use this service
Upload image(jpg, png, jpeg) or pdf file(wand)
- Use wand convert pdf to image
Preprocess the picture(openCV, pillow)
- Border Removal(Select image area with driver information)
- Brightness Adjustment(BGR2HSV)
- Smooth the picture(GaussianBlur)
- Color Change(BGR2Gray)
- Threshold Change(THRESH_BINARY/black and white)
- Noise remove(erode and dilate)
Recognize the picture(pytesseract)
- Tesseract extract words from the processed image
Get name and License numebr(rx)
- Regular expression pick up the driver name and license nnumber
Create the picture/pdf(wand, pypdf2, reportlab.pdfgen, zipfile)
- Write driver name and number with Helvetica-Bold 14 size at correct position as Watermark
- Merge Watermark and background pdf(create new pdf file)
- Pdf to Image by using wand(optional)
- Compress output files with zipfile
Modify pages
- bootstrap and css