Automatic Translation using GPT

This repo implements automatic translation of a folder containing markdown files using GPT-3/4. This is done by using the github action (and python lib) gpt-translate and the defined workflow file in this repo.

Try it yourself

The workflow is triggered when you merge a PR to the main branch and that PR contains modifies markdown files. The workflow will then create a new PR with the translated files. You can try it yourself by creating a PR to this repo and modifying the files in the docs folder.

You could modify the workflow so it triggers on prs or when specific tags are pushed to the repo.

How it works

The main step is performing the translation, this is configured in the workflow file:

uses: tcapelle/gpt_translate@v1.0
    OPENAI_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.OPENAI_API_KEY }}  # you need to provide an OPENAI_API_KEY in your secrets
    folder-to-translate: 'docs/' # the folder where the markdown files are located
    language: "es" # the language to translate
    output-folder: "docs-es/" # the output folder where the translated files will be stored
    filter-files: "pr"  # only consider files that were modified in the PR (or "all" to translate all files)
    max-chunk-tokens: "1000"  # max number of tokens to translate at once
    config-folder: "./configs"  # where are you translation configs stored

You also need to setup a configs folder in your repo to setup the specifics on how the translation is performed. Inside this folder you have the following structure:

├── configs
│   ├── human_prompt.txt  # the prompt to use to translate the files
│   ├── language_dicts    # the dictionaries to use for each language
│   │   ├── es.yaml       # the dictionary for the spanish language
│   │   └── ja.yaml       # the dictionary for the japanese language
│   ├── model_config.yaml # the model configuration to use, supports openai.Completion api parameters
│   └── system_prompt.txt # the system prompt to inject to the chat

We only translate files on the PR that live inside the folder-to-translate and that are of type markdown.

After the translation is completed, a PR is created with the translated files. The PR is created using the create-pull-request action. By default it creates a new branch with the translated files and creates a PR to merge that branch to the main branch. You can modify the action to create the PR to a different branch or to a different repo.