
A minimal training/eval LLM repo

Primary LanguagePython

Minimal LLM Finetune Launch Job

This repo implements a minimal example of a Launch Job for finetuning a LLM model using the HF ecosystem.

Create a Docker Image

First, let's create a Docker image called train with the docker build command:

docker build -f ./Dockerfile.train -t train:v0 .

Create a Launch Job

We'll create a launch job with the W&B CLI with the following code snippet:

wandb job create --project tinyllama --entity <your_entity> --name train image train:v0

Create a Launch Queue

Head on to Launch and create a new Docker queue in your entity. This will give you the command to start a launch agent that you can trigger on your local machine (same one where you built the docker image). Don't forget to setup OPENAI_API_KEY on that machine and pass info to the queue to pick it up:

Launch Queue Configuration

Run the Launch Agent