
Collection of convenient functions for interacting with hive and spark

Primary LanguageScala



Provides convenient Scala functions for interacting or performing operations on Hive tables via Spark2.

  • HiveTableSwapper - Move tables with an optional re-partition.
  • ParquetValidate - Compare schemas across parquet partitions (ie. schema evolution).
  • DBValidate - Compare schema of a hive table to an external jdbc database.
  • HiveTableMeta - Create a file of table meta statements for a given database.
  • DBTableLocations - Compare external table locations with parent db location.


A spark class intended for the post-injestion process of moving a new table into place of an existing table; optionally allowing for a table repartition in the process.

More specifically, in some RDMS environments, a given schema design may lack an obvious column to split-by or a column that can be relied on for running incremental exports. In the case where a given table is not so large, it can be relatively cheap enough to ingest the entire table and then swap the table in place.

Sqoop often has the issue of partitioning with split columns that are not evenly distributed. Without a column that can be used for ranged queries, the resulting sqoop import ends up with unbalanced partitions. This tool allows for an optional re-partition of a table via Spark, using its HashedPartitioner, that will redistribute the partitions more evenly.

This is a somewhat limited or specific use case, but also serves as a good example of some basic Hive interactions from Spark. Spark uses a custom column 'SerDe' when writing parquet which can result in tables being unusable from Hive or Impala. Notably, any use of .saveAsTable() including APPEND mode will rewrite the metadata. To avoid this, we first run CREATE TABLE via Hive and then use DataSet.insertInto() versus DataSet.saveAsTable().

  • NOTE: Renaming a Table via ALTER TABLE is only cheap if the table is not moving databases (name LOCATION). It is best to not use a different schema/db name between the source and destination tables, as the RENAME may result in a full copy. HiveTableSwapper, in fact, assumes this to be true and only modifies the Hive physical LOCATION to account for the new table name, but does not consider the dbname within the location. If different databases were used with this, the table would end up in the wrong HDFS location.

  • NOTE: The re-partitioning step rewrites the source table via Spark into a temporary table that is then renamed to the destination.

Sqoop example:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

if [ -z "$DBPASSFILE" ]; then
    echo "ERROR: Password file not provided"
    exit 1

sqoop import --connect jdbc:oracle:thin:@orapita-db:1521/dev_name_con -m 8 \
 --table=PBX.GET_LIMIT_V --as-parquetfile --compression-codec=snappy \
 --split-by=ACCT_NO --hive-import --hive-database=PBX
 --username $DBUSER --password-file $DBPASSFILE

return $r


Iterates on a Parquet Table's Partitions and reports on any missing columns, usually a result of schema change or evolution feature in Parquet.


Compares the columns of an external database table (via JDBC) to a given Hive Table with the option of comparing column values by running a sum of n cols across y rows.

Testing DbValidate

To build the test jar, first compile via mvn package && mvn scala:testCompile followed by running the script src/test/resources/build-test-jar.sh.

The test for DBValidate uses a mysql instance to run the comparison. The following will seed the test data in both MySQL and Hive for running the test app.

  $ mysql -u root -p < src/test/resources/sht-mysql-init.sql
  $ hadoop fs -put src/test/resources/sht_data1.csv
  $ hadoop fs -put src/test/resources/sht_data2.csv
  $ ./src/test/resources/dbval-init.sh mysqlhost:port  

Run the dbval-test.sh script providing the hostname of the mysql server to run the test.

  ./src/test/resources/dbval-test.sh localhost:3306

Note that scripts should be run relative to the project root directory.


Creates a key/value file of table_name to the db create table statement. This can be useful to create a backup of the table metadata. The resulting file can be used to recreate table metadata in a different environment. This can be useful for cloud environments, for instance, in Azure, using ADLS endpoints for external tables would need their endpoint HDFS locations modified when tables are copied elsewhere. Note that CDH BDR(distcp) does not support ADLS source/targets (as of CDH5/6.0?).


A good Hive warehouse practice is to locate all tables under a common db path. This should be true whether or not tables are marked as external (unmanaged). This app simply compares table locations with db locations and prints any mismatches in location where a table sits physically out of the parent database path.


Building the project creates the jar package via mvn package.

For simple use, the package can be added to the local Maven repository by using the install-file plugin.

mvn install:install-file -Dpackaging=jar -DgroupId=com.trace3.spark.hive \
 -DartifactId=spark-hive-tools -Dversion=0.6.3 \

The project has a GitHub-based Maven Repository, which would need an entry to either maven settings or the project pom. Currently, GitHub requires authentication for its Packages project.


Maven Artifact:
