
Spatiotemporal Aggregation for Climate Data

Primary LanguageROtherNOASSERTION


The R Package stagg aims to harmonize the preparation of spatiotemporal data obtained from the ERA5 project for use in statistical analyses. This allows for more efficient useof researchers’ time, and avoids common missteps. The end goal is a greater quantity of quality research into the study of coupled human-geophysical systems.

Further documentation, including the working paper, AGU conference poster, and cheat sheet are available here


Although stagg is not yet on CRAN, you can install the development version of stagg from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


The increasing availability of high-resolution climate data has greatly expanded the study of how the climate impacts humans and society. However, the processing of these multi-dimensional datasets poses significant challenges for researchers in this growing field, most of whom are social scientists. This paper introduces stagg or “space-time aggregator”, a new R package that streamlines the three critical components of climate data processing for impact analysis: nonlinear transformation, spatial and temporal aggregation, and spatial weighting by additional social or economic variables. The package consolidates the entire data processing pipeline into just a few lines of code, lowering barriers to entry for researchers in the interdisciplinary field of climate impacts analysis and facilitating a larger and more diverse research community. While stagg is designed to be used with ERA5 reanalysis climate data, it can be easily modified for other input data. The paper provides an overview of stagg’s functions and data processing pipeline, followed by an applied example demonstrating the package’s utility in climate impacts research. stagg has the potential to be a valuable tool in generating evidence-based estimates of the likely impacts of future climate change and quantifying the social cost of carbon.


Below is example code and commentary aimed at demonstrating expected typical usage. The order of the steps is important, as output from each step is used in the one that follows it.


The stagg package currently does not included functions to download climate data. There are many packages that can be used to download climate data. For example, climateR provides access to climate datasets from over 2000 different data providers. ERA5 climate data can be download through ecmwfr, which provides an interface to two European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast APIs. The KrigR package provides a helpful wrapper function for the ecmwfr package to enable direct downloading of ERA5 climate data in R.

While the package is designed to be used with ERA5 climate data, other types of climate data can be used. For compatibility with stagg climate data should be:

  • a raster or raster stack (netCDF, .tif or other format compatible with raster::raster()) - hourly or daily temporal resolution
  • if hourly, number of layers should be a multiple of 24 (i.e., represent whole days)
  • layer names use a character-date-time or character-date format (e.g., x2021.; x2021.01.01)
 # Using polygons outlining counties of Kansas as administrative regions
kansas_counties <- tigris::counties("Kansas")

Step 1 (Optional): Resample a secondary data input and generate secondary weights for Step 2

It is common when studying interactions between human and natural systems to spatially aggregate climate data using weights derived from another dataset of interest, such as population or cropland. This allows the user to retrieve the climate experienced by humans or crops within a given administrative region. To account for this, stagg allows for the conversion of a raster into a data.table of weights via the secondary_weights() function. These weights can then be used to compute a weighted average of climate data over each administrative region.

The following example shows how one would go about generating cropland weights for the state of Kansas.

# Generate an extent for cropping - a few options for obtaining the extent: 
## use sf::st_bbox()
kansas_extent <- sf::st_bbox(kansas_counties)

## use raster::extent() 
kansas_extent <- raster::extent(kansas_counties)

## manually define extent 
## Must be in xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax format if manually defined 
kansas_extent <- c(-102, -94, 37, 41)

cropland_weights <- secondary_weights(
  secondary_raster = cropland_kansas_2015, # A raster layer of the secondary 
                                           # variable to generate weights from
  grid = era5_grid,                        # A raster layer with the same 
                                           # coordinate system and spatial 
                                           # resolution as the climate data 
                                           # (defaults to the era5_grid). 
                                           # You can also pass in your climate 
                                           # data and the grid will be taken 
                                           # from its first layer
  extent = kansas_extent                   # The extent to crop the  
                                           # secondary_raster to, use whenever  
                                           # possible to save time (default is 
                                           # "full"). Format must be compatible
                                           # with raster::crop()
#> Checking for raster alignment

#> Longitude coordinates do not match. Aligning longitudes to standard coordinates.

#> Resampling secondary_raster

#> Creating a table of weights
#Display resulting table
#>            x     y    weight
#>   1: -101.75 40.00 0.3064352
#>   2: -101.50 40.00 0.4615438
#>   3: -101.25 40.00 0.5766846
#>   4: -101.00 40.00 0.4871151
#>   5: -100.75 40.00 0.5063345
#>  ---                        
#> 344:  -95.75 37.25 0.2806645
#> 345:  -95.50 37.25 0.3394896
#> 346:  -95.25 37.25 0.3870053
#> 347:  -95.00 37.25 0.4557442
#> 348:  -94.75 37.25 0.4356743

As you can see from the output, secondary_weights() checks for alignment, and rotates the secondary_raster coordinates if necessary. It also resamples the data to the spatial resolution of the grid, before outputting a data.table with latitudes, longitudes, and cropland weights.

Step 2: Overlay administrative regions onto the data’s grid

A core part of stagg’s functionality is to aggregate gridded data to the level of administrative regions. In order to do this, it first calculates the portion of each region that is covered by a particular cell.

These weights may also be scaled by the secondary weights calculated in Step 1. This is accomplished using the overlay_weights() function.

county_weights <- overlay_weights(
  polygons = kansas_counties,          # A simple features object with the 
                                       # desired polygons
  polygon_id_col = "COUNTYFP",         # The name of the column containing 
                                       # polygons' identifiers
  grid = era5_grid,                    # A raster layer with the same coordinate
                                       # system and spatial resolution as the 
                                       # climate_data (defaults to the 
                                       # era5_grid). You can also pass in your 
                                       # climate data and a grid will be taken 
                                       # from its first layer
  secondary_weights = cropland_weights # Optional output from Step 1, a table of
                                       # weights, determined here by cropland in
                                       # each grid cell
#> Checking for raster/polygon alignment

#> Aligning longitudes to standard coordinates.

#> Extracting raster polygon overlap

#> Warning in overlay_weights(polygons = kansas_counties, polygon_id_col =
#> "COUNTYFP", : Warning: some of the secondary weights are NA, meaning weights
#> cannot be calculated. NAs will be returned for weights.

#> Checking sum of weights within polygons

#> All weights sum to 1.
# Display results

You can see that the function outputs multiple rows for each polygon, one for every grid cell it overlaps. The column w_area represents the proportion of that polygon that falls within the grid cell corresponding to the x and y coordinates. If you included secondary_weights from Step 1, as we have here, overlay_weights() also creates a column named weight, which is determined by normalizing the secondary_weights by w_area. This is what will be used in the aggregation of values. If you wish only to use w_area in aggregating by polygon, you need not run secondary_weights() and can omit the argument secondary_weights from your call to overlay_weights().

Given all of this information, we can interpret the top row in the output as follows: About 11% of the area in the Kansas county represented by COUNTYFP 129 falls within the grid cell at 258 degrees longitude (0-360 range), 37 degrees latitude. It appears that this particular pixel has slightly less cropland than other pixels in this polygon though, since the area-normalized cropland weight for this cell is only 9%.

Step 3: Transform and aggregate data using the staggregate_* family of functions

After completing Step 2, you are ready to transform and aggregate your data. This is the final step before the data is ready for use in downstream statistical analyses. The stagg package provides a family of functions to perform this final step, each offering a different type of non-linear transformation. Regardless of the specific function,staggregate_*()’s workflow is to aggregate gridded values to the daily level (this step can be skipped by specifying daily_agg = “none”, though is recommended for faster computation), perform a transformation on the daily values, and aggregate these values to the administrative regions and desired temporal scale based on the overlay_weights() output from Step 2.

Polynomial Transformation

One common transformation is to create new variables by raising a value to an exponent. Treating these new values as independent variables within a linear regression allows researchers to identify non-linear trends within the data. stagg prepares the data for this type of statistical analyses while preserving its high spatiotemporal resolution by calculating the new variables from daily gridded values prior to aggregating to the polygon and monthly/yearly level through with staggregate_polynomial().

polynomial_output <- staggregate_polynomial(
  data = temp_kansas_jan_2020_era5, # A raster brick of our primary data, 
                                    # typically but not necessarily climate 
                                    # data. For now, data must start at midnight
                                    # and be hourly.
  overlay_weights = county_weights, # Output from Step 2, determined here by 
                                    # area-normalized cropland weights for grid 
                                    # cells within each county in Kansas
  daily_agg = "average",            # How to aggregate hourly values to the 
                                    # daily level (options are "sum", "average",
                                    # and "none"). Here we want average daily 
                                    # temperature 
  time_agg = "month",               # The temporal level to aggregate daily 
                                    # transformed values to. Current options are 
                                    # "hour", day", "month", and "year". Note 
                                    # that "hour" is only available if daily_agg
                                    # is set to "none"
  degree = 3                        # The highest order of the polynomial. Here 
                                    # this will create variable 3 columns: 
                                    # order_1, order_2, and order_3
#> Averaging hourly values to get daily values

#> Executing polynomial transformation

#> Assuming layer name format which after removal of the first character is compatible with lubridate::as_datetime()

#> Aggregating by polygon and month
# Display results
#>      year month poly_id order_1 order_2 order_3
#>   1: 2020     1     129      NA      NA      NA
#>   2: 2020     1     187      NA      NA      NA
#>   3: 2020     1     075      NA      NA      NA
#>   4: 2020     1     071      NA      NA      NA
#>   5: 2020     1     199      NA      NA      NA
#>  ---                                           
#> 101: 2020     1     011      NA      NA      NA
#> 102: 2020     1     107      NA      NA      NA
#> 103: 2020     1     121      NA      NA      NA
#> 104: 2020     1     091      NA      NA      NA
#> 105: 2020     1     209      NA      NA      NA

You can see that 3 variables are created. order_1 represents the original values, linearly aggregated to the county, monthly level. order_2 and order_3 represent the original values squared and cubed, respectively, prior to being aggregated to the county and monthly level. In this case, our example is only 30 days of temperature data and so each polygon only has one row corresponding to the only month present, December. Were this a full year of data, each polygon would appear 12 times. Note also that passing time_agg = "day" would create a data.table 30 times longer, with another column to the right of month called day.

Restricted Cubic Spline Transformation

Another type of transformation stagg supports is a restricted cubic spline. This, essentially, is a piecewise function where 3rd degree polynomials intersect at knots such that the function’s first and second derivatives are continuous from negative infinity to positive infinity, and the function is linear before the first knot and after the last one. A more detailed explanation, as well as the formula used to transform the data, can be found here. staggregate_spline() executes this formula to create K-2 new variables, where K is the number of knots, in addition to preserving the original untransformed value of the variable.

Computing knot locations can be very memory intensive therefore the stagg package does not compute any default knot locations. For larger data sets, users might want to load in a representative subset of data and calculate different quantiles to help with choosing the knot locations.

spline_output <- staggregate_spline(
  data = temp_kansas_jan_2020_era5, # A raster brick of our primary data, 
                                    # typically but not necessarily climate 
                                    # data. For now, data must start at midnight
                                    # and be hourly.
  overlay_weights = county_weights, # Output from Step 2, determined here by 
                                    # area-normalized cropland weights for grid
                                    # cells within each county in Kansas
  daily_agg = "average",            # How to aggregate hourly values to the 
                                    # daily level, "sum" and "average" are the 
                                    # only options. Here we want average daily 
                                    # temperature
  time_agg = "month",               # The temporal level to aggregate daily 
                                    # transformed values to. Current options are 
                                    # "day", "month", and "year" 
  knot_locs = c(0, 7.5, 12.5, 20)   # Where to place the knots

#> Averaging hourly values to get daily values

#> Executing spline transformation

#> Assuming layer name format which after removal of the first character is compatible with lubridate::as_datetime()

#> Aggregating by polygon and month
# Display output
#>      year month poly_id value term_1 term_2
#>   1: 2020     1     129    NA     NA     NA
#>   2: 2020     1     187    NA     NA     NA
#>   3: 2020     1     075    NA     NA     NA
#>   4: 2020     1     071    NA     NA     NA
#>   5: 2020     1     199    NA     NA     NA
#>  ---                                       
#> 101: 2020     1     011    NA     NA     NA
#> 102: 2020     1     107    NA     NA     NA
#> 103: 2020     1     121    NA     NA     NA
#> 104: 2020     1     091    NA     NA     NA
#> 105: 2020     1     209    NA     NA     NA

You can see that your output looks very similar to the table from the polynomial transformation. The only difference here is that 4 - 2 (number of knots minus two) new variables are being created. These data are now ready for use in a regression.

Binning Transformation

stagg can also divide the daily values into different bins specified by the user. This can be useful in identifying outliers and nonlinearities within the data, and accomplished by calling staggregate_bin().

bin_output <- staggregate_bin(
  data = temp_kansas_jan_2020_era5,  # A raster brick of our primary data, 
                                     # typically but not necessarily climate 
                                     # data. For now, data must start at midnight
                                     # and be hourly.
  overlay_weights = county_weights,  # Output from Step 2, determined here by 
                                     # area-normalized cropland weights for grid 
                                     # cells within each county in Kansas
  daily_agg = "average",             # How to aggregate hourly values to the 
                                     # daily level, "sum" and "average" are the  
                                     # only options. Here we want average daily 
                                     # temperature. 
  time_agg = "month",                # The temporal level to aggregate daily  
                                     # transformed values to. Current options are
                                     # "day", "month", and "year" 
  bin_breaks = c(0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10) # The values to split the data by
#> Averaging hourly values to get daily values

#> Executing binning transformation

#> Assuming layer name format which after removal of the first character is compatible with lubridate::as_datetime()

#> Aggregating by polygon and month
# Display output
#>      year month poly_id bin_ninf_to_0 bin_0_to_2.5 bin_2.5_to_5 bin_5_to_7.5
#>   1: 2020     1     129            NA           NA           NA           NA
#>   2: 2020     1     187            NA           NA           NA           NA
#>   3: 2020     1     075            NA           NA           NA           NA
#>   4: 2020     1     071            NA           NA           NA           NA
#>   5: 2020     1     199            NA           NA           NA           NA
#>  ---                                                                        
#> 101: 2020     1     011            NA           NA           NA           NA
#> 102: 2020     1     107            NA           NA           NA           NA
#> 103: 2020     1     121            NA           NA           NA           NA
#> 104: 2020     1     091            NA           NA           NA           NA
#> 105: 2020     1     209            NA           NA           NA           NA
#>      bin_7.5_to_10 bin_10_to_inf
#>   1:            NA            NA
#>   2:            NA            NA
#>   3:            NA            NA
#>   4:            NA            NA
#>   5:            NA            NA
#>  ---                            
#> 101:            NA            NA
#> 102:            NA            NA
#> 103:            NA            NA
#> 104:            NA            NA
#> 105:            NA            NA

Like before, the output table features one row for every county for every time period specified by the time_agg argument. What has changed is that there is a new column for each bin created, representing the number of days a polygon had a value that fell within that bin during the timespan specified by the time_agg argument. These outputs are not necessarily integers since the polygon is made up of pixels that are sorted into bins and then weighted by the overlay_weights provided and aggregated, here, to the county level. Here we specify bins, in degrees Celsius, from negative infinity to 0, 0 to 2.5, 2.5 to 5, 5 to 7.5, 7.5 to 10, and 10 to infinity by passing c(0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10) to bin_break. staggregate_bin() draws a bin between each pair of breaks, and adds edge bins that encompass all values below the minimum break and above the maximum break.

Degree Days Transformation

The final transformation offered is degree days, which measures the degrees over a certain temperature threshold experienced (often) by crops. This is used to generate estimates for piecewise functions.

  data = temp_kansas_jan_2020_era5, # A raster brick of our primary data, 
                                    # typically but not necessarily climate 
                                    # data. For now, data must start at midnight
                                    # and be hourly.
  overlay_weights = county_weights, # Output from Step 2, determined here by 
                                    # area-normalized cropland weights for grid 
                                    # cells within each county in Kansas
  # Note degree_days() does not take a daily_agg as it uses hourly values
  time_agg = "month",               # The temporal level to aggregate daily  
                                    # transformed values to. Current options are
                                    # "day", "month", and "year" 
  thresholds = c(0, 10, 20)        # Temperature thresholds between which 
                                   # separate regression coefficients can be 
                                   # estimated
#> Skipping pre-transformation aggregation to daily level

#> Executing degree days transformation

#> Assuming layer name format which after removal of the first character is compatible with lubridate::as_datetime()

#> Aggregating by polygon and month

#>      year month poly_id threshold_ninf_to_0 threshold_0_to_10
#>   1: 2020     1     129                  NA                NA
#>   2: 2020     1     187                  NA                NA
#>   3: 2020     1     075                  NA                NA
#>   4: 2020     1     071                  NA                NA
#>   5: 2020     1     199                  NA                NA
#>  ---                                                         
#> 101: 2020     1     011                  NA                NA
#> 102: 2020     1     107                  NA                NA
#> 103: 2020     1     121                  NA                NA
#> 104: 2020     1     091                  NA                NA
#> 105: 2020     1     209                  NA                NA
#>      threshold_10_to_20 threshold_20_to_inf
#>   1:                 NA                  NA
#>   2:                 NA                  NA
#>   3:                 NA                  NA
#>   4:                 NA                  NA
#>   5:                 NA                  NA
#>  ---                                       
#> 101:                 NA                  NA
#> 102:                 NA                  NA
#> 103:                 NA                  NA
#> 104:                 NA                  NA
#> 105:                 NA                  NA

staggregate_degree_days() operates directly on the hourly values. Passing a vector of length n to thresholds creates n + 1 columns, similar to how staggregate_bin() operates. For each value in the climate raster brick (or stack), the function determines which thresholds the value falls between. For example, a value of 15 falls between 10 and 20. All the variables corresponding to threshold pairs below these receive the difference between the two thresholds (threshold_0_to_10 gets 10) and all variables above (threshold_20_to_inf) get 0. The variable in which the value falls gets the difference between the lower threshold and the value (threshold_10_to20 gets 5). The low edge variable (threshold_ninf_to_0) is unique in that it measures how far below the smallest threshold a value falls. A value of -3 would get 3 for this variable, while any value above 0 would receive 0 here. Once all values are transformed in this way the hourly values are then aggregated to the polygon level and temporal scale desired as with all other staggregate_*() functions.