
Repository for Zhang, Carleton, et al. (2022) working paper on suicide and air pollution in China.

Primary LanguageStata


Repository for Zhang, Carleton, Lin, and Zhou (2022) working paper on suicide and air pollution in China.


The code/ directory contains all scripts used to clean and analyze data, as well as construct tables and figures shown in the paper. Subdirectories include clean/, which contains scripts to clean raw data, analysis/, which contains scripts that run all regression analyses, and figures/, which contains scripts that call outputs from scripts in analysis/ to format and save figures shown in the main text and supplementary materials.

The results/ directory contains all analysis results. Subdirectories include figures/, which contains all graphical figures, ster/, which contains .ster files containing STATA regression estimates, and tables/, which contains .tex files with LaTeX tabular output, as well as .csv files containing key summary statistics reported throughout the main text.

Data availability

The suicide data we use to estimate our econometric models are confidential. All regression outputs are stored in this repository, but results cannot be directly reproduced without obtaining access to the underlying dataset from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDC).