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JQuery Form Validator


This is the first version of a form validation plugin for JQuery. The JQuery plugin will help you with validating your forms, with just some simple markup. Then create your form validation item, and that's it ! The module will take care of everything else.



Currently, the library can validate the form upon various triggers. You can set them at formValidator initialization.

Option Type Description
validateOnBlur boolean Trigger validation upon blur event on input
validateOnSubmit boolean Trigger validation upon submit event on form
validateOnKeyUp boolean Trigger validation upon keyUp event on input
validateOnKeyDown boolean Trigger validation upon keyDown event on input
validateOnFocus boolean Trigger validation upon focus event on input
    'validateOnBlur'    : true,
    'validateOnSubmit'  : true,
    'validateOnKeyUp'   : false,
    'validateOnKeyDown' : false,
    'validateOnFocus'   : false

These triggers are static for the time being, I may enhance more dynamic possibilities.

Success and error

The library allows to override the default handlers for validation success and error. The default handler is very basic, and just change the background from default to green on success and from default to red on error.

You can override these handler just by settings customizable options when defining your form validation item :

    'onValidationSuccess' : yourSuccessHandler,
    'onValidationError'   : yourErrorHandler

The engine will pass 3 parameters to your error handler :

Parameter Type Description
input string The checked input
errors array The error list upon validation
settings object The settings object defined on form validation item creation

The engine will pass 2 parameters to your success handler :

Parameter Type Description
input string The checked input
settings object The settings object defined on form validation item creation

Built-in validators

A set of validator is already implemented as core handlers. Here is the list :

Name Validation Against attribute syntax
length Value has a valid length '[' or ']'min,max'[' or ']'
mandatory Value is set none
expr Value matches regular expression regex
alphabetic Value is a valid alphabetic none
email Value is a valid email none
number Value is a valid number none
integer Value is a valid integer none
phone Value is a valid phone number none
checklist Value is in the list item1,item2...
consistency Value match a given input value #itemId or itemName
format Values matches a given format email or number or integer...

To use a validator, just add the attribute jqfmv-validators on the input field. You can add multiple validators on one single input, just separate them with comas. Some validators doesn't require against attribute (see the table above). When needed, just add and attribute to the input with the following syntax : data-jqfmv-validatorName. If you specify more than one validator requiring an against attribute, no problems, just add as many against attribute as required.

<!-- This input will be validated against length validator, which should be at list 1. -->
<input type="text" name="inputLength" data-jqfmv="length" data-jqfmv-length="]1,]" />
<!-- This input will be validated against number validator.-->
<input type="text" name="inputNumber" data-jqfmv="number" />
<!-- This input will be validated against mandatory and integer validator.-->
<input type="text" name="inputIntegerMandatory" data-jqfmv="integer,mandatory" />
<!-- This input will be validated against length and format validator.-->
<input type="text" name="inputLengthFormat" data-jqfmv="length,format" data-jqfmv-length="[10,15]" data-jqfmv-format="number" />

Extending the core

If you need some special validation, you can extend the core validators by adding your own. Just add a new validator, with a name and a handler.

// Testing custom extension
function staticValidator(value, against, settings) {
    var err = [];
    if (value !== against) err.push('CUSTOM_ERR_CODE');
    return err;
$.jqfmv.validators.add({'name' : 'static', 'handler' : staticValidator});

Then you can use it the same way you use built-in validators.

<!-- This input will be validated against static validator.-->
<input type="text" name="inputStatic" data-jqfmv="static" data-jqfmv-static="test" />
<!-- This input will be validated against static and mandatory validator.-->
<input type="text" name="inputStaticMandatory" data-jqfmv="static,mandatory" data-jqfmv-static="test" />

Built-in settings

A bunch of built-in settings are available with default values. Based on these values, the core determine some actions and validations to do. Here is the list of built-in settings :

Name Type Default value Description
validateOnBlur boolean true cf. Events
validateOnSubmit boolean true cf. Events
validateOnKeyUp boolean false cf. Events
validateOnKeyDown boolean false cf. Events
validateOnFocus boolean false cf. Events
trimValues boolean true Trim the values before check
replaceWithTrimedValues boolean true Replace the values in the input after trim
keepValueIfWrong boolean true Keep the value in place if validation error
onValidationSuccess function $.fn._onValidationSuccess cf. Success and error
onValidationError function $.fn._onValidationError cf. Success and error
afterFormValidationSuccess function null cf. Success and error
afterFormValidationError function null cf. Success and error

Extending the settings

Should you ever need to add a new option in the settings, you can define it directly on formValidator definition. Just add your property to the given object, it will be transmitted to your custom validators and success / error hanlders.

    'yourOption1' : true,
    'yourOption2' : 'valueOption2'

Upcoming features

Currently, the plugin just handle input text/password field. Next focus will be to enhance select/radio/checkbox and textarea fields. Then, some reset and default values for the fields could be usefull for those who don't want to use placeholders.

Keep in mind the project is always ongoing. Feel free to use it as you want, just send me your feedback. I'll consider any suggestion.
